5 SEPTEMBER 1952, Page 16

SIR,—Janus is surely mistaken in restricting the condemnation of divorce

in the Church of England to what he calls " high Anglican opinion."

The Archbishop of Canterbury has many times proclaimed the official attitude of the Church on this distressing question, and it is significant that participants in a divorce are definitely banned from re- marriage in any church. Any compromise in this would make a mockery of the Marriage Service. If Janus would take the trouble to read through it, he would see why.

Although the Dean of St. Paul's is undoubtedly a notable and highly respected figure in church circles, the Modern Churchmen's Union, on whose views I will not make comment, does not, I think, seriously contribute to the still Catholic thought and practice of the Established Church.—Yours faithfully, Holly Lodge, East Barkwith, Lincoln. GAVIN FARGUS.