5 SEPTEMBER 1952, page 2

Moussadek's Progress

The United States, according to Mr. Hassibi, adviser on oil to Dr. Moussadek, " by being hoodwinked by John Bull, has unwittingly lost favour with the Persians." That variation......

Elections In Japan

Much bustle and confusion has been caused in Japanese political circles by the Prime Minister's decision to dissolve the Diet and to hold elections for the House of......

M. Pinay's Second Round

The economic task for his Government which M. Pinay out- lined in his speech at Caen last Sunday was one which could hardly be within that Government's exclusive control. The......

General And Governor

A great deal may yet happen before November 4th, but the course of the American Presidential campaign so far has already justified one conclusion. There is going to be no easy......

The South African Crisis

All that can be said about South Africa at the moment is that something is blowing up that will leave the last state of the Union worse than the first. It may be a General......