5 SEPTEMBER 1952, page 4

.1 Was Never A Great Hand At Hobbies, But I

am thinking of taking up a new one now. It is the breeding of death-watch beetles. I shall train these diligent little creatures to a high pitch of activity and enterprise, and......

I Am Interested To Observe That Mr. Henry Chellew, Not

unknown to readers of this column by reason of his connection with the ridiculous Academie et University Internationale (a large blue seal of which adorns his envelopes) has......

Longevity Sometimes Startles. The Notice Of The Death Of...

W. L. Grane in the course of the past week had that effect on me, for I remembered well a volume, The Passing of War, by W. L. Grane, which made a considerable impression before......

I Can Never Reconcile Myself To The Idea That Disasters

are less disastrous because they bring out fine qualities in human beings. Attempts to justify war on that principle leave me cold. But it is impossible not to be astonished and......

A Spectator 's Notebook

I T is possible to challenge the Home Secretary's recom- mendation of a reprieve for John Thomas Straffen on the ground that his continued existence is of no benefit to himself......

The Unions' Opportunity T Hree Separate Levels Of Trade...

and action are at this moment clearly distinguishable. The President of the Trades Union Congress, Mr. Arthur Deakin, has said that wage claims should be made with reason-......

It Must Be A Very Long Time Since The Batting

averages were headed by two amateurs—the only amateurs included in the first eighteen—and without opportunity to consult the records exhaustively I will risk the assertion that......

* * * * Stepping Heavenwards

1. Who's Who 2. Who Was Who 3. Black's Medical Dictionary 4. The Book of Saints Cause and effect as between (3) and (4) are manifest. All the volumes are advertised (in this......