5 SEPTEMBER 1952, Page 30


IA Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution opened after noon on Tuesday week, September 16th, addressed Crossword, 99 Gower Street, London, W.C.1. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The , solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.] *XV Across 1. A hairdresser's wave ? (6.) S. We lost, couldn't bare been worse ! (6.) 10. No asset to the batsman. (5.) 11. He conceals the valley. (9.) 12. Mother of Timothy. (6.) 13. A frog, according to the wolves. (6.) 16. It was monstrous and'black as a tar- barrel. (4.) 17. Surprisingly it was as likely to neigh as purr. (7, 3.) 20, One can in comfort, having first done it up. (6. 4.) 21. Establishment of returned correspon- dence. (4.) 23. Seat of the electric light failure? (6.) 25. A charming depression. (6.) 28. Broken crate among nine. (9.) 29. Throbbing nourishment. (5.) 30. " Life's but a walking shadow, a Door -." (Shakespeare.) (6.) 31. This is hard till minced. (6.) Down 2. Thoroughly dismissed at cricket. (3. 3, 3.) 3. ' Tray - and Sweetheart, see, they bark at me." (Shakespeare.) (6.) 4. Doubtless steadier than it sounds. (4.) 5. Nothing at Wimbledon, much else- where. (4.) 6. Eclipsed by the tank. (8.) 7. The talk of the town, perhaps. (5.) 8. Surprises once (snag.). (13.)

9. Their keep is for keeping away. (10, 3.)

He could hardly have a shingle. (5.)

Tom was her uncle. (5.)

18. As much as some boys learn of Roman warfare. (9.) Donkey turns up in glory. (8.)

22. Cues should be, markers may be. (6.) 24. The point of view. (5.) Rail collapse not likely to be con- 26. firmed. (4.) " Where he stands, the Arch - in a