General Marshall in Mesopotamia made a. brilliant stroke on March
26th against a large Turkish force at Khan Baghdadie, on the Euphrates, about one hundred and twenty miles north-west of Baghdad. Like General Maude at Ramadie, General Marshall made a resolute frontal attack on the Turkish positions while his cavalry far out in the desert swept round the Turkish right and rear. The Turks fought hard all day, and then, failing to hold their lines, tried to break out northwards. But our cavalry held them, and compelled the main body of three thousand men to surrender. The pursuit of the remnant was pushed with such energy that by March 28th our cavalry were beyond Ana, sixty-one miles from the battle- field. On April let they had covered another seventy-three miles up the Euphrates, and were half-way to Aleppo. This wonderful ride through the desert deserves a chronicler. The cavalry increased the total of prisoners to five thousand, and captured large Turkish depots of munitions at Haditha and Ana, thus spoiling any design for a Turkish advance down the Euphrates, and freeing the desert Arabs from their old oppressors.