We Record With Much Pleasure The Fact That The War
Office have decided not to disband Section D Volunteers for the present. As our readers know, we thought that the War Office had acted without due consideration. Apparently the......
Rumour Says That The Military Age Will Be Raised To
forty-eight or fifty, and possibly even to fifty-five. Men who have hitherto regarded themselves as of over military age must make up their minds that for the rest of the war......
Count Czernin, The Austrian Foreign Minister, Speaking In...
Tuesday, said that President Wilson must know the impossibility of making a separate peace with Austria. Before the German offensive began, M. Clemenceau had inquired whether......
Dr. Mahlon's Memorandum Of Conversations With Dr....
Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach in mid-July, 1914, confirms the Lichnowsky memorandum, and clinches the proof of the Kaiser's guilt as war-maker. Dr. Mahlon was in July, 1914, a......
General Smuts, Speaking In London On Wednesday, Said That...
events had cleared the air. Prince Licluiowsky's memoirs, combined with Dr. Mahlon's story and Herr von Jagow's admissions, had proved beyond all doubt that Germany deliberately......
It Is Suggested—without Warrant, We Believe—that The...
be dispensed with, and that some new machinery will be created for considering exemptions. Much fault could be found with the Tribunals at the beginning of their career, but we......
Herr Von Jagow, Who Was German Foreign Secretary From 1913
to 1916, has confirmed the main thesis of Prince Lichnowsky's memoirs, up, - ,n which we comment elsewhere. "We found the English Government ready to meet us," he says in regard......
Section D Of The Volunteers Contains Thousands Of Men Who
have made themselves efficient, have passed through their musketry classes, done their bayonet exercises, and received the badge of efficiency issued by the Central Association......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 51 Per Cent.
April 5,1917.......