To The South Of Arras, As Far As The Somme,
the German attacks on the Thursday were equally violent and equally fruitless. Eleven German divisions were used against ten miles of our front between Boiry and Serre without......
On Good Friday The Enemy Endeavoured To Improve His...
to the south of the Somme, developing heavy attacks on our right flank round Demuin, in the valley of the Luce stream, and Mezieres, on the Roye-Amiens road. We lost MeziOres,......
On The Thursday The Enemy, While Continuing His Furious...
to the south, delivered a tremendous blow at our Arras defences. He used ten divisions in the hope of capturing the Vimy Ridge, which we took from him last spring with three......
Last Sunday The Enemy Restricted His Main Efforts To The
sector nearest to Amiens, between Montdidier and the Somme. A series of heavy attacks enabled him to make some progress in the Luce Valley and to capture Hangard, to the west of......
The Paper Shortage.—we Trust That Readers Of The " Spectator
" will give definite orders to their newsagents for a copy of the " Spectator " to be reserved for them each week till countermanded.......
General Marshall In Mesopotamia Made A. Brilliant Stroke...
26th against a large Turkish force at Khan Baghdadie, on the Euphrates, about one hundred and twenty miles north-west of Baghdad. Like General Maude at Ramadie, General Marshall......
On Monday The Royal Flying Corps And The Royal Naval
Air Service were merged into one body, under the common title of the Royal Air Force. The development of these Flying Services has been one of the wonders of the war. The number......
General Allenby In Palestine, Having Occupied Es Salt, On...
plateau east of the Jordan, on March 25th, sent his Colonial mounted troops towards Amman to make a raid on the Hedjaz Railway. Amman proved to be strongly defended. The cavalry......
Meanwhile On Last Saturday The French Armies On Our Right
were engaged in a violent battle on the front of thirty-seven miles between Moreuil, north of Montdidier, and Lassigny. At the northern end of this great are, Aforeuil changed......
News Of The Week.
T HE Wednesday and Thursday before Easter were critical days in the great battle in France. On the Wednesday, after a successful British counter-attack between the Ancre and the......