6 APRIL 1918, Page 16

READABLE NOVELS.—W here England Sets her Feet. By Bernard Capes.

(W. Collins, Sons, and Co. 6s.)—A story of the days of • Anne's House of Dreams. By L. M. Montgomery. London : Constable and Co. 158. net.1 Elizabeth. Though the scene is chiefly laid in England, the hero sails for a short time with Sir Richard Grenville.—The Shadow on the Stone. By Marguerite Bryant (Mrs. Philip Munn). (Methuen and Co. 6s.)—An attempt at the founding of an Ideal State, which is unsuccessful because the money on which the State is founded comes from a tainted source.—Flamer in the Wind. By Helen. Hudson. (Hodder and Stoughton. 6s.)—An account of terrible adventures in the unexplored Bush of Australia. There is a good deal of poetry in the descriptions of these lonely places.