6 AUGUST 1859, Page 10



The statement of Sir Charles Wood on Monday that the Indian Loan would be limited to 5,000,0001. and payable in instalments extending to April next, has had a favourable influence in the English Stock Market ; it had been pretty generally believed that at least 7,000,0001. would be immediately required—hence the previous tendency to heaviness. Consols advanced per cent on Tuesday morning, having closed extremely

in dull

the day before at 94 sq in . Confidence likewise Foreign polities is re- stored n a greater degree, and a disposition is at last gaining ground to believe in the pacific intentions of the Emperor Napoleon; other causes are now attributed for any heaviness which may occasionally prevail, than those we have been so long treated with—namely, the ultimate designs of LOWS Napoleon ; rumours which a fortnight ago would have probably seriously affected the markets, are now scarcely heeded. The unhappy character, however, of our Indian intelligence caused a certain depression, and checked the tendency to higher quotations ; on the other hand, the arrival of considerable amounts of Australian gold during the last day or two, has assisted in maintaining present prices. French Rentes have also advanced a good deal during the week, and there is altogether a much more favourable state of things in both Foreign and English Markets.

The demand for money has augmented, and Loans on Government Secu- rities are at about 11 to 2 per cent. There has not been an active business doing, and the last two days Consols, until late this afternoon, have hardly varied per cent, closing 951 961. New Three per Cents and Reduced 95fl 954; • Ban41.k Stock, 221 223 ; Indian Debentures (1869), 934 94 ; ditto (1858) 94 9

The tone of the Market for Foreign Securities is decidedly firmer, but there is little business to record ; and there is just now an absence of several of the usual dealers. Quotations are good at the close—Buenos Ayres, 71 73; Buenos Ayres Three per Cents, 171 184; Turkish Six per Cents, 814 824 ; Ditto New, 714 724 ; Austrian, 5 die. to par. ; Sardinian 85 87 ; Victor Emmanuel, 89 91 ; Russian, 111 113 ; Venezuela, 29 291 - Por- tuguese, 43 46 ; Brazilian,. 94 95 ; Spanish, 44 45. Owing to purchases, chiefly because of the near approach of the dividend, Peruvian Stock has risen 2 per cent. The Four-and-a-half per Cents are now 91 93 ; Ditto Three per Cents 71 72 ; triburren' 78 80 ; and the Dollar Bonds, 77 79. In Railway Shares the principal features have been an improvement in Lancashire and Yorkshire to 941 95/, owing to the announced dividend of 41 per cent leaving a large surplus. Great Northern declined 3'per cent upon disappointment at the low rate of dividend, 31 per cent ; a recovery, however, has since taken place to nearly former rates. The general busi- ness has been extremely limited, and the fluctuations have been in accord- ance with the anticipated or announced dividends ; the Great Western Company have declared 2 per cent, and the London and South-Western 4} per cent ; the former is quoted 58f 58,, and the latter 94 941. The non- mcreased dividends do not generally give satisfaction, considering the in- creased receipts. London and North-Western leaves off 93194, and Great- Northern 100 101 ; Midland, 1031 104}; Caledonian Shares, 41/ 411; Man- chester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 35 36 ; North Stafford, 41 4; London and Brighton, 109 111 ; South-Eastern Shares, 22 22/. The French Railway Market is steady, but with no material 'alteration in values. Paris and Lyona, 344 36 ;. Nortbent of France, 361 3Z ; Lombardo-Venetian, New, 2# 2a premium,; Ditto Old, 2121; Indian:Shares, though. slightly affected when the news from. India. of an adverse character arrived, have recovered in consequence of the favourable statement made of the Railways in the House of Commons. East Indian, 98 99; Great Indian Peninsula, 951961.


Increased firmness in the French Funds and the preparations for dis- armament on the part of France have had the effect of raising the price of English Securities, and Consols arc now 95/ buyers. Shares and Foreign Stocks participate in the improvement.

BANK OP ENGLAND. An. Accottnt, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, top. 32, for the week ending on Wednesday the 3d day of August 1899. teens Dirrit7111EXT.

Notes issued ..431,201,740 Government Debt £11,014,100 Other Securities 3.450,900 61014 Coin and Bullion 19,726,740 Silver. Bullion Proprietors' Capital:

. herb ...... 3,3t6,135. ding Dead.WeightAsuulty).411,209,572 Public Ileporits• 5,323,259 Other Securities 11,690,C57

Other DdiStisits- ...... 14,351,004 Notes 8,889,920

Seven Daysao d other Bills,. 818,747 Gold and Silver Coin ' 603,698 638;399,148 338;392,146

• Including Exchequer, SavingeBanks,Commluinnersof National Debt, and Div. Acct.

631,201,740 I, 631,201,740

5005150 D.P.1711ENT.

Government flecurities(inelu