Sir Erskine Perry has been appointed a member of the Council of India. This creates a vacancy at Devonport. Mr. James Wilson has been selected for the important post of......
POSTSCRIPT SATURDAY AFTERNOON. In the House of Commons last night, after Mr. ROEBUCK had repeated Sis accusations respecting the corrupt compromise at Bodmin,. Dr. Mreirm. said......
An Official Telegraphic Despatch, Dated Aden July 25, Says-
" The Bengal, with Calcutta dates of the 5th, has arrived. Every recruit in the Barrackpore cle - p6t has taken his discharge under the General Order. The 5th Europeans at......
Money Market.
Ekroca ERMA/CDR, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The statement of Sir Charles Wood on Monday that the Indian Loan would be limited to 5,000,0001. and payable in instalments extending to April......
The French Papers State That The Emperor Napoleon Is About
to visit the camp at Chalons ; and that Garibaldi will take command of the Tuscan army. The Gazette of L'idge gives what purports to be the substance of the letter recently sent......
Two Bills Are Now Rapidly Passing Through Parliament...
our system of national defences. One is the Army Reserve Bill ; a measure which enables the Government to retain the services of all soldiers who have completed ten years of......