6 AUGUST 1859, page 11

Topics Of The Day.

THE INDIAN BUDGET. • Tim annual statement of the Indian Minister has at least one advantage--it serves to remind us of our immense responsibilities as the rulers of India. The......


Mr. Hughes, of the Atlas Works, Hatton Garden, has recently patented what he call& a gas-escape " indicator." This contrivance is a small whistle applied to the upper part or......

Money Market.

Ekroca ERMA/CDR, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The statement of Sir Charles Wood on Monday that the Indian Loan would be limited to 5,000,0001. and payable in instalments extending to April......

A New Blow—pipe..

The blow-pipe- has always been attended with the inconvenience of exhausting one's breath, in order to perform certain work. Nothing could be more objectionable. Messrs. Lewis......

Rstful 3.rts, Kashinu, Train'. &r.

Tan wholesale houses dealing in Manchester and fancy goods in the City, "dated on " as usual to their customers last Monday, but not much busi- ness was done this " turn of the......