6 DECEMBER 1834, Page 10



Mr. HUDSON arrived in London at half past two o'clock yesterday morning ; bringing information of Sir RIME er PE res departure from Rome for England on the 26th of November. The Albion gives the following particulars of Mr. HUDSON'S journey, which was performed in nineteen days. " Ile left Brighton on Saturday claming the 15th November, arrived In Rome on Tuesday evening the 25th November. lie found Sir Robert Peel at a ball at the pal. lazzo of Count Torlonia; and orders wire imuusliately given for the departure of Sir Robert next morning. We understand that Sir Robert's intention was to return with Lady Peel to Lyons, where they would be met by Colonel Peel ; and Sir Robert in- tended trout thence to plumed alone to Enuland with all possible despatch. Ile may be expected by Monday, or, at the latest, 'Faraday. It is said that such preparations are making to receive Sir Robert Peel at Dover us cannot but be very grail() lug to the Right Honourable Baronet."

Notwithstanding the arrival of Mr. Henson, and the news he has brought, the Tory press is still tongue-tied. The Post has not a word to say respecting the Ministerial arrangements, and the Times is quite as costive. It seems plain that Sir ROBERT has not pledged himself to any thing. With charade ristic caution, be waits to see how the land lies. We suspect he will find it full of swamps and quagmires, ready to engulph, not firm enough to support him. The " preparations " for the reception of Sir Rosetta' at Dover, though in• tended by the great Commander as a lure to lead him on to the dangerous ground, will probably excites his suspicion, instead of giving confidence to his movements.

It is, however, given out in the select Tory coteries, that Sir ROBERT has ac- tually notified his acceptance of the post assigned to him. At the same time, some of the more knowing and sagacious of the set avow their belief that the movement has been made "too soon "—that the Whigs have not yet sufficiently damaged themselves with the Country.