6 DECEMBER 1834, page 6
The Anti-Tory Association held a meeting at the Dublin Corn Exchange yesterday week ; when Sir W. Brabazon, Lord Teynhatn, Mr. Sharman Crawford, and Mr. Roe, Member for Cashel,......
The Dissenters Of Trowbridge Have, By A Large Majority,...
the church-rate proposed for the ensuing veer. - magnificent new Roman Catholic chapel is now buildiug at CBI- tun, near Bristol. The architecture is said to be peculiarly tine.......
The Suffolk Tories And Clergymen Of The Same Politics Dined
together at Ipswich on Tuesday. About three hundred sat down to dinner, and it is stated that u buieired more tickets might have been sold. Sir U. Brooke Vere, Lord Henniker,......