Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. On the Dith ult., the Lady of II. ST/Aril/RD THOMPSON, of Fairfield Lodge, near York, EMI.. of a son. On the Illst tilt., at the Dowoger Lady Arundelfs, the Hon. Mrs.......
Royal Society.
The Anniversary Meeting of the Royal Society was held on Monday last, December 1st., St. Andrew's Day falling on Sunday : the Treasurer, J. W. LUBBOCK, Esq., V.P., in the Chair.......
Election Talk.
Mr. Ward's address to his constituents of St. Alban's, has provoked an- ger alarm in the breasts of the neighbouring aristocrats. Lord Verulam has started his son, Mr. Grimston,......
The Army.
WAR - OFFICE, Dec. 5.—Ist Regt. of Drags.—Lient. W. R. Sands to be Capt. by pup chase, vice Strac" y , x110 retires; Cornet .1. Yorke to be Lieut by purchase, vim Sol ids; W.......