The Dissenters of Trowbridge have, by a large majority, rejected
the church-rate proposed for the ensuing veer.
- magnificent new Roman Catholic chapel is now buildiug at CBI- tun, near Bristol. The architecture is said to be peculiarly tine.
A public meeting was held in the Grand Jury Room, Shire-hell, Stafford, on Wednesday week, for the purieise of forming a branch society, in connexion with the proposed Diocesan Institti Lbw, fur pro- moting the enlargement, building, and purchase of churchee and cha- pels.
so The Reverend Francis Litchfield, M. A., editor of the Norieeeldea licraid, has been instituted to the vicarage of Ryall-cum- I l—endi tic; patron, the Marquis of Exeter.—Stellybed News. [It has sims. been denied that Mr. Litchfield was the editor : perhaps he was not the no- minal editor.] Lord Coventry's gamekeepers had an affray with a body of poiehers on Saturday week, in a wood on his Lordship's property near l'er- shore. The struggle ended in the capture of three of the poachers, one of them is a well-known desperado, by name Cherles Price. His father and brother were transported at the March Ass:res., for poachine.
Incendiary fires have occurred within a few days at Haddon, near Peterborough ; on a farm belonging to the Earl of A boyee ; at Blox- ham, near Banbury; and at Broadpool, near Sheptou Mallett. The first-named consumed a new fafm-house and twenty stacks of wheat.
Five boats, belonging to Brighton, put to sea, on Sunday night, for the purpose of fishing ; one of them was upset, with three men, two of whom perished; and the third, by clinging to a part of the mast, swam ashore, but in a most exhausted state, being euite unable to speak when taken up. The two unfortunate men who were drowned have left families.
One day last week, the attention of the persons residing opposite St. Mary's Church, Oxford, was attracted by the extraordinary appear- ance of a lad, who, as he was crossing the road, suddenly burst out into flames. Several members of the University ran to his assistance and succeeded in extinguishing him. The origin of the combustion was found to be phosphorus, in his breeches-pocket.