Anti. ToryClubs have already been formed in Enniscorthy, Galway, %lel
other towns ; and by the end of the present week they will be elleriilly established throughopt tire country. The people of Tralee lot on Saturday. The Cork city meeting. at which Mr. Fagan, Pio:shit:lit of the Chamber of Commerce, presided, was held yester- riay, to address the King against the formation of a Tory Adini- rii,tration. The Reformers of Belfast are about to assemble for the same purpose. The requisition, signed in a few hours by the leading merchants and other inhabitants of that important commercial t011•11, WaS presented to the Sovereign MI Saturday. It is not very uv to rouse the Belfast Reformers; but they have been forced into tivity on the present occasion by the attempt of the Tories to get si,matures to an address to the King, asserting his :Majesty's right to dismiss or appoint his Ministers. If such an address were extensively ned, it would, in due season, be put forward as a declaration in sup- port of the Anti-Reform faction. This left-handed sort of address has been attempted in Clonniel and other places ; but the people at once sow through the delusion, arid the scheme, although an ingenious one. los proved utterly unavailing. As the Liberals of Belfast are now fairly Fr the field, one of the most important meetings held since the dismissal of Lord Melbourne's Ministry may be calculated upon, which will give the tone to the Reformers of the North of Ireland.—Globa Currespondent. _
The spacious area of the Diorama at Cork was crowded on Monday Lst ; by an assemblage of the inhabitants, who met to pass resolutions against the restoration of the Anti-Reformers to power. :Messrs. Callaghan, Baldwin, Barry, and O'Connor, Members of Parliament, Were present ; and a long list is given of other gentlemen, stated to be of wealth and influence in Cork and the vicinity. Mr. William Fagan War called to the chair. In his opening speech, he stated a fact which deierves to be particularly noticed-
. He begged to tell them one circumstance which had occurred a few hours sarte; it would give a good illustration of the manner in which the Duke of Waington intended to govern. They all knew Arthur O'Connor ; the Iran] given him permission to revisit the shores of his native country, to thich he had been a stranger for thirty-five years. He had been exiled from that tannery which he loved so well ; and the good policy of a Reforming Ministry ladpermitted him to return to arrange his property. This day, the old man termed a letter from the Duke of Wellington's own hand, ordering him to be gone ! (A burst of indignation from the entire meeting.)
Mr. Fergus O'Connor said, that even the " miscreant Castlereagh" tad promised his uncle, what the Whigs had given him, permission to return to Ireland to arrange his affairs.
The resolutions were of a very decided character, pledging the tneeting " to merge all differences of opinion, and to exhibit a steady, eminielling, and unanimous determination to get rid, now and for ever,
a Ministry selected from an Anti-National cabal."
„Yr. Dancer, the son of Sir Amyrald Dancer, and a Magistrate of 19Pc.rary county, residing near Nenagh, has been arrested on a charge 01 being implicated in a conspiracy to burn down Castle Otway, the residence of Mr. Otway Cave. The Standard, when this story was first mentioned, treated it as the dream of a maniac.
The Irish Great Seal has been pitt in commission. The Commis- sioners are Chief Justice Bushe, Baron Foster the noted opposer of the Catholic claims), and Justice Moore. Chief Justice Bushe is the new Lord Justice, in the room of Ex-Chancellor Plunkett, who was first stained in the Commission, but who is thus got rid of.