There has been some extraordinary intrigue going on lately about
Rmunania, either the Sultan or the Czar being exceedingly annoyed at the new protection Prince Charles has obtained. On September a Circular was addressed by the Porte to its representa- tives, stating that one of its vassal Principalities had concluded a convention with a foreign power which was never intended by the signatary Powers of the Treaty of Paris, and the Ottoman Government, therefore, made formal reservation of its rights. Prince Charles, however, briefly replied that it had no right to interfere, and the Porte gave way, sending out a second Note, to explain that Roumania might conclude international treaties, provided they were not political. The truth is, that under the agreement between Prussia and Austria, Prince Charles means to acknowledge the Porte just so far as is convenient, and no farther. Turkey will not go to war for any such vestige of power as she retains there.