Mr. Knight's Last Essay On Prayer.
M R. KNIGHT has written a much abler and more satisfactory paper in the new number of the Contemporary Review, on the subject of his controversy with the Free Presbytery of......
Mr. Seebohm's Suggestions On The Education Question.
[TO TER EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—The suggestion made by Mr. Seebohm in your last number on the subject of compulsory attendance at primary schools seems so valuable,......
A Note On Mr. Baldwin Brown's Letter.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR, —Your singular patience in admitting corrections holds out hope that you may allow a line of remonstrance against Mr. Baldwin Brown's......
Letters To The Editor.
THE LIBERTY OF NONCONFORMIST MINISTERS. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE SFECTATOR:] Stn,—Allow me, as one who has seen both sides of the hedge, to confirm the Rev. Baldwin Brown's......