The Bombardment Of Cartagena Does Not Succeed, For Though...
city is nearly destroyed, the forte are not yet taken. General Ceballos therefore proposes to storm them, but the fleet will not help, a Council of Admirals having decided that......
President Grant Appears To Be Very Anxious To Return To
specie payments. One plan for this purpose is to restrict the National Banks in paying interest on deposits, an idea intended to keep money afloat in business' and diminish......
The Results Of The School-board Elections In London,...
not known last week, are, on the whole, in very fair accord- ance with those obtained in the rest of the country. The party professing to favour the voluntary denominational......
It Looks Very Much As If The Prussians Were Preparing
for a civil war in Posen. They are filling it with troops, and have summoned Archbishop Ledochowski to resign his See, which be has refused to do. He will, therefore, be......
There Has Been Some Extraordinary Intrigue Going On...
Rmunania, either the Sultan or the Czar being exceedingly annoyed at the new protection Prince Charles has obtained. On September a Circular was addressed by the Porte to its......
One Of The Most Terrible Of Modern Disasters Is Reported
this week,—a disaster comparable to the wreck of the Northfleet. At two in the morning of the 22nd November, the French steamer Vile du Havre, bound from New York to Havre, came......
All The News Of The Bengal Famine This Week Is
despondent, the reports suggesting that some of the poorer classes are already- pinched, as there have been grain riots. All our letters confirm our belief that the scarcity......
Our Great Fear Still Is That The Viceroy, While Exerting
himself to the utmost to feed the famine districts, will overlook the human residuum in the distressed districts, with their huge area. There is in every district of Bengal a......