We have received various "Christmas extra numbers" and the like.
Harper's Magazine, Christmas ; Good Cheer, being the Christmas number of Good Words, and consisting of a story, "The
Prodigals, and their Inheritance," by Mrs. Oliphant, whose capacity for writing and writing well is simply astonishing ; the " Winter
number" of Society ; Grant and Co.'s Christmas Number, by R. E.
Francillon ; the Christmas numbers of the Graphic, the Illustrated London News, and the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News,—all of which are up to their usual mark. We have also to notice Cassell's Illustrated Almanac* for 1885, and The Earlie Englyshe Almanack for 1885 (Pettitt and Co.), with its notes of natural phenomena, as the time of flowering of various plants, and other curious matters ; Hood's Comic Annual, a good number, capitally illustrated.