We Have Received A Fourteenth Edition Of The Bon Gaultier
Ballads 4131ackwood and Sons). Is it not about time, we are inclined to ask, that something about their authorship should be prefixed P They are certainly one of the greatest......
Publications Of The Week.
Anatomy of Tobacco, cr 8vo (Redway) 3,6 Arthur (F.), The Coparceners, or 8vo (Triibner) 1016 Barbour (H. F.), Spinal Deformity, folio (W. & A. K. Johnston) 21/0 Bowker (J.),......
Oa The Alterations In The Electrical Resistances Of...
Produced by Coiling and Uncoiling. By James Hopps.—This paper, originally read before the Physical Society, and now reprinted from the Philosophical Magazine, deserves some......
Annus Sanctus ; Hymns Of The Church For The Ecclesiastical
Year. Translated from the Sacred Offices by Various Authors, with Modern Original and other Hymns, and an Appendix of Earlier Versions. Selected and arranged by Orby Shipley,......
Three Hundred English Sonnets. Chosen And Edited, With A Few
Notes, by David M. Main, editor of " A Treasury of English Sonnets."—This handy and elegant little volume is chiefly selected from Mr. Main's greater work, which we reviewed in......
A Good Many People Appear To Have, If Not A
belief, at least an interest in chiromancy, for we have received a third edition of Your Luck's in Your Hand ; or, The Science of Modern Palmistry. By A. R. is disposed to ask,......
Meaars. Stockl And Nathan (30 And 32 Jewin Crescent) Send
us specimens of their very elaborate Christmas and New-Year's Cards, many of them in compartments and fringed with silk,—an ornamental effect which we hardly appreciate as......
As Messrs. Blackwood Have Invited Our Judgment On Their...
stone Alma neck, we may briefly express the opinion that it is a vulgar and scurrilous production. There is something very strange in the contrast between the fine literary......
The Westminster Review, October. (triibner And Co.)—the...
of this number contains an interesting article by Dr. John Chapman, of Paris, on "The Non-Contagiousness, Causation, and Scientific Treatment of Cholera." If the author can be......
Messrs. De La Rae Have Sent Us Copies Of Their
admirable Pocket- books in various bindings, containing some of the most useful diaries that are published, and of their diaries for the desk and for the waistcoat-pocket, all......
Erratum — In The Notices Of "gift Books," In The...
November 29th, the authorship of Sugar-Plums for Children was erroneously ascribed to Mary E. Palgrave.......