The Metropolis Is To Be Recast So As To Receive
in all 59 seats, instead of 22 as at present. This is to be effected partly by dividing the present boroughs, and partly by creating new ones. As an example of this last......
In The House Of Lords, On Thursday, The Franchise Bill
passed through Committee without amendment; and in all pro- bability it will have passed its third reading before this journal is in our readers' hands. In the House of Commons......
As Regards The Three Kingdoms, England Will Have 6 Seats
more than it at present possesses,—the 6 seats which are in abeyance being again restored to it. Ireland will be left as it is. Wales will be left as it is. Scotland will......
* * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In
any case.......
News Of The Week.
M R. GLADSTONE moved on Monday for leave to introduce the Redistribution Bill, expressing his satisfaction that it was possible to do so without much fear of raising......
In The Instructions Issued To The Boundary Commissioners,...
Sir John Lambert, K.C.B., the Hon. T. H. W. Pelham, Sir Francis Sandford, K.C.B., Mr. J. J. Henley (son of the late Conservative Minister), Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Owen Jones,......
At The Conservative Meeting On Tuesday, Mr. Chaplin Alone...
hostile to the proposed measure, and especially hostile to the division of counties into areas each of which was to return only a single Member. He sugared ill for the prospects......
The Most Important Part Of The Scheme Is, However, The
great step taken in the direction of equal electoral districts. Towns with a population under 15,000 are merged in the counties to which they belong. Towns with a population......