The Nile Expedition is now concentrated at Dongola ; and
Lord Wolseley has issued a General Order, telling the troops that the " glorious mission " entrusted to them by the Queen is the relief of General Gordon and his garrison, and that he must not be allowed to share the sad fate which befell Colonel Stewart, who, " when endeavouring to carry out an enterprise of unusual danger " (" and folly " is added in one -version), was cruelly and treacherously murdered by his captors. He, there- fore, promises a reward of £100 to the battalion which shall make the quickest time, with the fewest accidents, in reaching Debbeh. The Expedition having once arrived there, Lord Wolseley will decide whether to proceed in boats or to attempt the long march straight across the Desert to Khartoum. It is not believed that the final advance can commence before January; and if the Desert route is selected more time must be lost in collecting indispensable supplies. The troops are reported well and in good heart, though an unexpected number of boats have been injured in the voyage.