Sorrowful, Yet Lucl, y. By Adrien De Valvedre. (Sonnenstrbein and
Co.)—" Sorrowful and unlucky " is the motto appropriate to any
one who, like the conscientious reviewer, is obliged to wade through this singularly uninteresting story. It is a dull love-tale about a pair of Malian lovers whose history is related in a didactic manner, high- flown language, and not particularly good English. There is neither plot, "go," wit, fun, nor any other attraction that we can discover in this tedious book, whose most noticeable features are insipidity, ex- treme verbosity, the frequent use of the word " albeit," and the evidence which it affords of the author's having some private source of information as to what sort of light prevailed before the Creation, so that he is enabled to write about " that grey, glimmering, chaotic dusk which filled the gloomy, boundless deep before the sun, the moon, and the stars bad been drawn forth from nought, and light and darkness had been riven asunder."