[To the Editor of THE Smc.r.vroal
Snt,—I have recently undertaken to write the. story . of Winifred I-Ioltby's life and work, and I should be grateful if I• might ask your readers , through your columns to help me to produce a book not altogether unworthy of her.
She left me, as her literary executor, in charge of her writings and private papers, and I am not asking for the loan of letters, as I have a large number of these accessible in my own files and in those of close friends, but I am par- titularly anxious to collect incidents and impressions of her, relating to occasions when I was not present or to the period before I first knew her, at Oxford in the .Michaelmas term of 1919.
If any who have met her, read her, or heard her speak would care to inform me of such incidents or impressions while these are still vivid in their minds, I should be deeply indebted to them, and I should also be glad to receive quota- tions from letters if these throw light upon her personality or have specially influenced her correspondents. Any contribution of this kind will be' most gratefully acknowledged.—I am, &e.,
19 Glebe Place, Chelsea, S.W. 3.