Financial Notes
MARKET S IRREGULAR, Ting Stock Markets as it whole have; during the past • week, been somewhat under the influence of what is generally described as the " Sanctions " crisis.......
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• TRADE IN SCOTLAND. I commented recently in these columns upon the excellent character of the annual Report of the Royal Bank of Scotland, and at the annual meeting, presided......
A Good Bonus..
Quite an outstanding feature in the Industrial Market has been the good result announced by Crompton, Par- kinson, Ltd., the electrical manufacturers. The report showed a rise......
A.b.c. Profits.
The profits of the Aerated Bread Company for the past finanCial year were excellent, establishing, in fact, a new record for the Company. The amalgamation of the business of......
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Tim NEW GOVERNOR. Needless -. to, ,say, Mr. Maitland, before proceeding to the business of the day, referred to the great loss the Bank had sustained in the death of the Duke of......
Tobacco Trust Statement.
It was generally anticipated that Tobacco Securities Trust would show a diminution in earnings and, as a matter of fact, the net profit was only 2527,103, against .2758,409: A......
A Hundred Years Ago " The Sbectator," December 5rit, 1535.
• MONEY MARKET. Is the Foreign Market; 'Spanish Stock has fluctuated materially. Iii the early part .of the week, the favourite intelligence received from Madrid, and .firm......
Conditions In Australia.
There was a point in Mr. Andrew Williamson's address to shareholders of the English, Scottish and Australian Bank, Ltd.--a report of which appeared in the last issue of The......