The Debate On The Second Day In Contrast Was A
much more lively affair. It began with a maiden speech frorri Mr. A. P. Herbert, who took the unusual - course for new Member of intervening on a question of routine. business......
The Week In Parliament Our Parliamentary Corregpondent...
sur- prises me most about' the new House of Commons is the lifelessness of the Labour Opposition. After all, the, little band in the last Parliament has been strengthened by......
The & China Clipper's' Voyage The Voyage Of The '
China Clipper ' across the Pacific is a portent of which we do well to take some note. Isolation always has been, and to a large extent still is, the keYnote of American foreign......
The Ministry Of Women' Much The Most Stimulating Section Of
the important report of the Archbishops' Conmiission on the Ministry of Wonien is the note by the Dean of St. Paul's, in which br. Matthews states iii vigorous language his......
Tariffs And Equality Of Opportunity ..
An important application for a reduction in tariffs under the terms of the Ottawa Agreement is being heard at Ottawa by . the Canadian Tariff Commission. The Lancashire cotton......
* * Altogether The Opening Day Produced A Drab Debate:
Mr.' Wakefield: who had the very difficult task 'Of moving the Address, made some good points which' were 'beauti fully phrased and lit up with some excellent • flashes of......