* * M. Laval's Fate
M. Laval has survived the opening stages of the dis- cussions in the Chamber on finance, securing 324 votes to 247. His fate in the division on the control . of the political Leagues is much more doubtful. He may indeed have fallen before these lines appear. Even on finance inure of the Radical supporters of the Government voted against it than for it, and feeling-runs far higher on the question of the Leagues. For.onee the Prime Minister. will have to depart from the strict middle-course to which he clings so assiduously, for unless lie is prepared for really effective action against the Leagues the Radicals will inevitably bring him down. Ile has had difficult decisions to make. There is often much to be said for leaving such organisations as the Croix de Feu, the Jeunesses Patriotes and the rest to spring up and then dwindle naturally. That seems to be happening to the Front Paysan; farmers are always difficult to organise. But obviously tolerance has been carried much too far in the case of Col. de la Rocque's force. and , some others. From . an international point of view the substitution of M. Herriot for M. Laval would be a gain, but M. Herriot will do all he can to avoid taking office before the May elections.
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