Wisdom in Greece
By a display of wisdom, courage and generosity too rare in the .rulers of .States,, King. George of Greece has laid what should be sound and enduring foundations- of stable government. In the face of the bitter, opposition of General Kondylis and many, of his military. colleagues, King George has. ,conferred a complete amnesty on all Republican opponents of the Restoration. Neither. M. Venizelos nor General Plastiras is excluded, the only, reservation being that army officers- who were cashiered after the abortive March revolt are merely pardoned: and not reinstated in the army. The response from the, Republican side has been immediate. M. Venizelos is returning to his home in Crete, and declares his intention of holding completely aloof from politics. How far he will abide by that decision remains to be disclosed. It would not be astonishing to find -him figuring in course of time as the chief Minister of a constitutional monarch. The amnesty satisfies all moderate royalists, and if General Kondylis, who . remains unreconciled -to a step so clement, decides to renounce his political activities altogether, the King's difficulties will be substantially diminished. Not since pre-War days has the outlook in Greece been more hopeful.