6 FEBRUARY 1864, Page 1

It is believed that the Danish force actually ready and

in the field amounts to 30,000 men, while the Prussians and Austrians have each 25,000 men in the Duchies. Austria has, moreover, 20,000 more men in readiness for immediate despatch, and 10,000 men of the " Younger Guard " are awaiting at Berlin orders to move to the front. Field-Marshal von Wrangel, an eccentrically stupid person in politics but a decent soldier, commands as gene- ralissimo, four Prussian princes are at the head of as many divisions, and General von Gablenz, a name not known out of Austria, commands the Austrians. The result of all engagements is flashed from Copenhagen and Berlin to England within twelve hours of their occurrence, and the correspondents of the daily papers have already reached the scene. It will be observed that up to the engagement of Missunde the Prussians expected the Danes to retire without fighting, and Prince Charles telegraphed to Berlin a most nal/surprise at the "sincerity " of the resistance.