One Of The Few Measures Named In The Queen's Speech
is the appointment of a Royal Commission to revise the various forms of subscription "required to be made by the clergy of the Established Church," of which it is said the......
Under The Weight Of Honours Which The Townley Case Has
showered upon the administrative capacity of Sir George Grey that great statesman's official self-possession will probably collapse. The Derby magistrates have this week......
Mr. Buxton Gave Notice Last Thursday Night That On Tuesday
next he would move " That this House, while only imputing to Admiral Kuper a misconception of the duty imposed upon him, deeply regrets the burning of the town of Kagosima, as......
The Case Of " O'kane V. O'kane And Lord Palmerston,"
which has for the last three months been one of the main interests of the clubs, has come to a somewhat mysterious ending,—the peti- tioner refusing to press the case, which has......
Mr. Disraeli, Like Lord Desby, Indulged In His Speech On
the Address in a tone of bitter sarcasm. His point was that Her Majesty's Government had come down to the House without a policy to produce, that it was trusting too entirely to......
There Is An Impression Prevalent In London, Apparently,...
British Cabinet cannot, if it tries, dissociate the cause of Schleswig from that of Holstein. We would commend to those who think thus the words of the Danish despatch, accepted......
A Clever Saying Is Attributed—we Know Not With How Much
truth—to Lord Stanley, with regard to the Dano-German con- test, that England is no doubt morally responsible to Denmark for a certain amount of physical as well as moral aid,......
Late In The Debate Mr. Layard Read Out A Despatch
of Herr von Bismark, which was supposed to contain the assurance that the German Governments would maintain the Treaty of 1852. The reading excited " loud laughter," and well it......
Mr. Goschen, The Youngest Member For The City Of London,
has justified the expectations we expressed at his election. His speech when seconding the Address received the emphatic approval of the House, and bristles with points, the......