6 FEBRUARY 1864, page 16

On The Present Condition Of Education In Oxford.

[We print, with pleasure, this valuable communication from one who has a good right to be heard on this subject—of course, without in any way committing ourselves to his......

Mr. Hughes On The Crawley Mutiny.

To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." Sra,—Will you allow me to answer, once for: all, in your columns, the many protests I receive as to the end of my late controversy with "J.......

The Bishop Of Natal On The Capetown Trial. To The

EDITOR OF " THE SPECTATOR." SIR,—In your remarks last week upon the Capetown judgment the following passage occurs :— , "With regard to the phrase of the Second Article,......

Mr. Thacker4y's Portrait.

To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." DEAR S/R,—In the notice which appeared in last -week's Spectator of the photograph from my drawing of the late W. M. Thackeray, the critic......