6 FEBRUARY 1864, Page 1

The Danes have won the first round. On the 30th

January (Saturday) Field-Marshal von Wrangel informed General de Meza that he had received orders to occupy Schleswig, and requested him to evacuate the Duchy. General de Meat replied that he had orders to defend Schleswig, and in the night of the 31st January the Prus- sians crossed the Eider. On the 2nd they attacked Al issunde with 9,000 men and 74 guns, but after a six hours' engagement they were repulsed by 2,000 Danes, losing from two to three hundred men. The attack has not been repeated up to the latest date, though there has been an ineffectual cannonading. On the follow- ing day the Austrians attacked the Danish centre, a position on the Dannewerke, near Bustorp, stormed the first line of defences, and "advanced till they came beneath the fire of the cannon arming the Dannewerke," when they retired " with no inconsiderable loss." A general attack will, it is believed, shortly be made, the Prus- sians crossing the Schlei to the right of the peninsula, and the Austrians repeating their attack upon the centre. Meanwhile an embargo has been placed upon all German ships, and the panes threaten to blockade Hamburg, a threat which, however, seems as yet to excite but little alarm.