The most interesting news from America respects the Con- federate
States. The Tennessee Confederate generals, Generals Hardee, Cheatham, Stevenson, Breckinridge, and others, have addressed a very urgent communication to the Confederate Con- gress, stating that in their judgment it is essential to retain for the whole period of the war " without re-organization the troops now in service ; to place in service immediately for the same term .all other white males between eighteen and fifty year of age able to perform any military duty; to provide for placing in service at the discretion of the President all white males between fifteen and eighteen, and between fifty and sixty, year of age; to prohibit :substitutions; to prohibit exemptions except for the necessary civil offices and employments of the Confederate States and of the several States,"—to prohibit " details," discharges, leaves, and furloughs, except under the strictest regulations, and to place in service ablebodied negroes and mulattoes, bond and free, as cooks, hospital attendants, &c. A delay of even thirty days, they add, in taking these measures " may make present disorders incurable, and the dangers of the moment omnipotent for our destruction." The measures recommended contemplate nothing but an absolutely ex- haustive drain of all the remaining resources of the Confederacy so far as regards men.