The principle of the Credit Foncier appears to be taking
pos- session of the English business imagination, and we have now a new scheme—the Credit Foncier (limited)—brought before the public with the same general object as the International Financial Association, mentioned by us three weeks ago, but intending, it is said, to develop some branches of the undertaking, such as advances upon the deposit of title-deeds, to which the International Finan- cial Association have not devoted themselves. The field for making advances on the security of landed estates is certainly large enough for both, and we do not doubt, that if equally well-managed, they will both find an ample field for the employment of their capital. The Credit Foncier is to have 3,000,0001. in capital, in 30,000 shares of 1001. each. It is not intended to call up more than 201. per share.