NEWS 9F .THE WEEK r King's Speech the opening of
Parliament .in7m Tuesday - was as -" gentle as zephyrs . blowing below the violet," and the temper of the House of Com- mons itself was responsively gentle too. But nobody knows *hat may happen When the coal subsidy comes to an end. The .K:ing'S Speech wisely made use of the present calm to deprecate stOrm.and earnestly to appeal to all classes to ciditirat-e[COrieiliation and fellowship. The first part of the glieeeli,dealing with foreign 'affairs; spoke .of the Government's desire to promote friendly relations with . Turkey, . 0c the- new treaty with Iraq which world shortly be glibmitted to Parliament and of the coming Preparatory CobitnissiOn on " Disarmament. The funding of the Italian debt was referred to as " fair and honourable " and the announcement was then made of a Conference in London for an international agreement on hours of labour.- We hive referred to this Conference in our first leading article: * * * *