Elizabethan Life In Town And Country. By
. M.- St. Clare Byrne, (Methuen.. 78. Miss BYRNE is a well-known authority on certain aspects of Elizabethan literature, and from her intimate knowledge of the period has .......
Place, W. 8. 7s. 6d. Nat..) _
FEW more delightful-presents could be found - than this Ilasle- wood edition of Pope's Rape of the Lock, printed by the Chiswick Press in the eighteenth-century manner, with the......
Current Literature
I's is strange that while the passion for collecting old English furniture has produced in the last two decades a prodigious literature, from tie late Mr. Macquoid's monumental......
" The Best Way " Cookery Gift Book. (offices Of
- " The Best Way " Series, Fleetway House, Farringdon Street. 4s. 6d.) Tars is a most excellent receipt book giving exact directions for the preparation of innumerable dishes,......
The Rise Of Modern Industry. By J. L. Hammond And
Barbara Hammond. (Methuen. 10s. 6d. net.) Mx. AND MRS. HAMMOND have written an interesting and thoughtful book on the Industrial Revolution. They sketch lightly the development......
The Story Of The Women's Institute Movement In England And
WALES AND SCOTLAND. By J. M. Robertson Scott. (The Village Press, Idbury. 6s. 6d.) Tan Women's Institute Movement has found an efficient and sympathetic chronicler in Mi.......
The Quarterlies In The New Edinburgh Review Sir Valentin*...
writes a grave, we might say a threatening, article on " The World Problem of Colour." He reminds us that there are twice as many coloured people in the world as there are white......