- Walter Bagehot, Author Of Lombard Street, The English...
and other famous political and economic works, was born a hundred years ago on Wednesday. It was said of him that to talk with him was like riding a- horse with a perfect mouth.......
The Morning Post Of Tuesday Stated That The Co- Operative
Wholesale Society denies Mr. A. J. Cook's announcement that arrangements had been made • for the Co-operative Societies to supply food to the Trade Unions in the event of a......
Over And Over Again Attempts Were Made To Float Boats
to leeward in order to bring off the Antinoe's ' crew. In these attempts Captain Fried lost two of his crew and six boats. But in the end all the company of the Antinoi3" were......
• There Has Been Terrific Weather In The Atlantic. The
gales are said to have- been the worst for forty years ; the loss of shipping and • life has been great and the suffering prolonged. But seldom has the brotherhood of the sea......
Of All The Policies Of Segregation Which We Have Examined
this seems to us to be the most enlightened, though we are, of course, well aware that any segregation is condemned by many progressive thinkers. General Ilertzog's policy in......
The Results Of The Scottish By-elections Are Very Satis-...
to the Government. In 'East Renfrew, Mr. A. M. MacR.obert, the Unionst, had a majority of 928 over the Labour candidate. At the general election in 1924 his majority on a larger......
, General Hertzog's Policy Of Segregation For The Natives In
South Africa is still being discussed doubtfully. It is the first scheme of the kind presented for political discussion, though General Hertzog is careful to say that he has......
Mr. Churchill's Reply To The Deputation Which He Re- Ceived
last week on the subject of the Road Fund was excellent in sense and form. He admitted that the provision for the roads must be large and must grow greater, but he could not......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent, Changed From 4 Per Cent.
on December 3rd, 1925. War Loan (5 per cent;) was on Wednesday 101 l o s ; on Wednesday week 1001; a year ago 1013.. Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday 88/ ; on......