Over and over again attempts were made to float boats
to leeward in order to bring off the Antinoe's ' crew. In these attempts Captain Fried lost two of his crew and six boats. But in the end all the company of the Antinoi3" were saved. The Chief Officer of the President Roosevelt,' Mr. Robert B. Miller, was the leader of the rescue Work: During these labours the two ships drifted 108 miles. This display of indomitable courage and seamanlike skill thoroughly deserved all the praises, official and unofficial, which have been lavished upon it. Scarcely less -can be said about the work of Captain R. Wurpts and the officers and crew of the North German Lloyd liner ' Bremen ' - which stood by the -British cargo steamer Laristan ' for- thirty. six hours':and succeeded in taking off six of the crew. Before the only available boat could return for more of the crew it was swept away and the Laristan ' shortly afterwardi sank with the rest of her company of twenty- four men.
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