6 FEBRUARY 1926, Page 21

As we go to press comes a sumptuous volume on

Leicester- shire and Its Hunts : the Quorn, the Cottesmore and the Belvoir, by Mr. Charles Simpson, R.I., with twenty-eight

illustrations in colour by the author and numerous delightful sketches (John Lane, 31s. 6d). Keen fox-hunters from all over the world and some of the finest riders ia England come to High Leicestershire every winter to follow the Sport of Kings, and this book of the big grass country and the great- striding thoroughbreds that cross it merits more notice than can be given here. There are two good illustrations of the Prince of Wales on " How's That " and " The Gift," and we note that both horses are ridden in snaffles.

"'Tis of hounds, and of horses, and lads that ne'er tire, O'er hedges and ditches, thro' dale, bog or mire, A pack of such hounds, and a set of such men, 'Tis a hundred to one if you meet such again ! "