6 JANUARY 1900, Page 11

The decision of the Government to refrain from employing native

Indian troops in South Africa, though vigorously attacked in certain quarters, very properly commands respect and acquiescence. It is none the less satisfactory to learn that striking evidences of loyalty have been afforded by all classes in India in connection with the war. The NI zam of Hyderabad, the first Moslem Feudatory, has declared that " the proudest title he possessed was that of her Majesty's faithful ally. His purse, his army, and his own sword were ever ready to defend her Majesty's Empire." Offers on an equally generous scale have been made by the great Hindoo chief of Gwalior, the Maharajah of Patiala, and the Begun' of Bhopal ; in fact, every native chief without exception has offered to send horses to the Cape.