6 JANUARY 1900, page 11

The Morning Post Of Tuesday Contains A Very Strange Letter

from Mr. Channing, who, in effect, wants to give iu and end the war because we have found that the fighting Boer is such a fine fellow. Were not the Southerners fine fellows and......

The Decision Of The Government To Refrain From Employing...

Indian troops in South Africa, though vigorously attacked in certain quarters, very properly commands respect and acquiescence. It is none the less satisfactory to learn that......

The Preparations For The Yeomanry And Volunteer Forces...

rapidly, and the enthusiasm is unabated. On Thursday some nine hundred men of the City of London Volunteers took the oath at the Guildhall, and it is evident that the corps will......

Personally, We Should Like To See A Closer Relation Estab-

lished between the man who subscribes at home and the man who goes to the front. The subscriber should feel it a duty to help the man he has equipped if he comes home wounded or......

By The Death Of Sir James Paget, Full Of Years

and of well- earned honours, a noble profession loses one of its noblest figures. Born in 1814, he commenced practice in 1837, and only retired from it half-a-dozen years ago.......

Mr. Choate, The American Ambassador, Made A Short Speech At

the opening of a new public free library at Acton on Wednesday. He described the operation of the travelling libraries in the State of New York—as a means of bringing home......

The Revenue Returns For The First Three-quarters Of The...

financial year were published on Monday, and show an increase over the preceding year of £4,379,000. The Chancellor of the Exchequer's estimate of increase for the entire year......

Bank Rate, 6 Per Cent.

New Consols (2k) were on Friday 99.......