6 JANUARY 1900, Page 11

The preparations for the Yeomanry and Volunteer forces are proceeding

rapidly, and the enthusiasm is unabated. On Thursday some nine hundred men of the City of London Volunteers took the oath at the Guildhall, and it is evident that the corps will be a fine one, composed as it is of drafts from all the Metropolitan Volunteer regiments. There has been some talk during the week as to the wisdom and propriety of equipping soldiers by private subscription, and complaints have been made that the Government, and the Government alone, should provide for the soldiers. We most entirely and most vigorously disagree with these criticisms. Thousands of men, for reasons of age, business, health, or family ties, cannot volunteer for service abroad, and they very naturally feel they would like to do the next beat help those who can go to the front to do so. We ought to encourage, not frown, upon the sentiment which makes a man say : "I can- not go myself, but I will at least fit out and send a man or a couple of men who can."