The Reference To The Organisation Of A Great Navy In
order to win a place for the Empire which is not yet attained, and the concrete objects which are sought, are discussed by us at length elsewhere. We will only say here that......
The Trial Of The Prisoners Accused Of Conspiracy Before The
French Senate sitting as a High Court was brought to a conclusion on Thursday, after lasting nearly four months. On Tuesday M. Andr6 Buffet was found guilty "of having concerted......
The Honour List Is A Very Conventional One. Indeed, It
may almost be said that with the exception of Sir John Lubbock's well-deserved peerage, the list is official. Sir Safford Northoote also becomes a Peer, but he is going to......
Mr. Frederic Harrison's New Year's Address At The...
Newton Hall, was a strange jumble of rhetoric and prejudice, interspersed, however, with some sen- sible things. After very rightly inveighing against inflated Imperialism, he......
On New Year's Day The German Emperor Addressed A Very
striking speech to the officers of the Berlin garrison. The first day of the new century, said the Emperor, saw the Army—i.e., the people—in arms gathered round their standards.......
Colonel Pilcher's Capture Of The Boer Laager At Sunnyside Is
doubly welcome from the fact that his force was princi- pally composed of Australians and Canadians, who have thus struck the first blow and have been the first to shed their......
By The Death Of Sir James Paget, Full Of Years
and of well- earned honours, a noble profession loses one of its noblest figures. Born in 1814, he commenced practice in 1837, and only retired from it half-a-dozen years ago.......