6 JANUARY 1900, Page 2





ACADEMY Celebration in Berlin, the.. .. 409

Africa, North, the Cloud in 338 Africa, South, Our Prospects in „ 404 — — the Little Cloud in 436 — — how to Treat Rebels .. 505

— — Some Problems of .. .• 830 — — Articles Pertaining to the War in, 6-11-77-128- 160-229-264-300-372-404-405-436-472-508-540-620- 692-728-764-796-865-915

America and England.. .. 511 — and the Continent .. 695

American Negro In Business, the .. 440

— War Secretary, the, and the Monroe Doctrine 622 " Americanism " and the French Clergy .. 406 Animals, the "Sixth Sense" in 135 Army, our Amphibious 10 — Barracks, the Prince of Wales and .. 340 — Proposals and a Home Defence Reserve, the 373 798 Ashanti Scare, the .. 590 Asiatic Dislike for Europe, the 868 916 Asquith, Mr., on the Liberal Party .. 302 Aseumptionist Fathers, the .. 130 Aurelius, Marcus, the Limitations of .. 802 Australia, the Future of .. 731 Australian Commonwealth, the, and the Privy 342 — — and the Appeals Problem .. 693 Austria and Disintegration

BALFOUR, Mr., the Attacks on.. .. 41

Balfour, Mr., on Public Opinion .. 44

Battlefield, Naturalists on the. , .. 48

Berlin, the Academy Celebration in .. 409 Birds, Fish-Eating .. .. .. • • 234 — Our Barest Migrant .. .. .. 515

Boer Piety .. .. .. .. .. .. 408

Books we Think we Have Read .. .. .. 83 British Courage.. .. .. Matter" .. 233 — Museum, the, & "Yaluelese Printed 660.867 Budget, the .. .. .. .. .. .. 337 Bulgarian Project, the .. .. .. .. 375

Burdett-Coutts, Mr., the Indictment of .. .. 915


ABTITET Reconstruction and Dissolution .. 765

Cabinets, Successional, " Carltonensis " on.. 7

Cat and Dog ife 594 Catholic University, the Refusal to Grant a 437

Clarke, Sir E., the Dismissal of 230 Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, the.. .. 129 Character, the English : Has it Changed ? 733 Children, the Consolations of 84 China, the Trouble in 767 884 — the Immediate Situation in ..

— the Powers Interested In.. 863

— the Strength of, 912

Chinese Imbroglio, the 929

— Character. the .. 833

Choate, Mr., on English Literature 270

trorisTharety sae the Am:45ml Spun, „ „ 7.719 Civilian Element, the, and War Office Reform ,, Mg{ &levant* and Politia.

filN &AO Witt it

Colonials in Action, the 6 Colonies and the Empire, the 196 Commissions, Secret, Lord Russell's Bill on .. 511 Conciliation, Mr. Courtney on 77 Conscieption v. Compulsory Physical Training .. 164 Continent, Obstruction on the 914 Country House, the New Courage, British ..

Asiatic 916 Courtney, Mr., and the South African Concilia-

tion Committee .. Criticism, the Two Kinds of Czar, the Friendliness of the.. ..

D'T"" ' the Physiology of , Deer Park at Richmond, the Old .. Diplomatists, the Increased Value of Dissolution and Cabinet Reconstruction Dooley, Mr., Our Debt to ..

Dublin " Zoo," a New Lion House for the Dutch Ascendency in South Africa, the Dream

EDITING, Mr. Massin,gham on the Ethics of.. Education, Religion in.. .. Elephant Inquest, the.. ..

Emperors, the Meeting of the .. Empire in Action, the..

— the, and the Colonies England and Germany .. English Hostility, the French Idea of — Character, the : Has it Changed ? 78 77 870 303 442 870 91.2 765 134 478 ".77 79 271 621 6 198 588 337 733

FEBRUARY Fox-Hunt, a Federation of Trade-Unions, the .. Fish, Foreign, for English Rivers

Foreign Policy, Our .. .. • • Fortune-Telling .. • • Fox-Hunt in February, a France and England .. • • — the Nationalists of ..

Free State, the Invasion of the French Senatorial Elections, the ..

— Government, the, and Episcopal Letters

— Bishops, the, and the Pope .. — Idea of English Hostility, the ..

— Amnesty, the .. .. • . — Clergy, the, and "Americanism " — Feeling towards England, the ..

— Exhibition, the ..

— Statesmen .. .. • • ADFLY of the State, the

G .. Galliffet, General de, on Coups d'Etat

Galliffet, General de, the Disappearance of Gamekeeper, the Modern .. Garden Architecture ..

Garrison of South Africa, the .. Generals, the Choice of German-Slav Conciliation — Agrarians, the ..

— Emperors, the Meeting of the .. Germany and the Monroe Doctrine — Russia, and Turkey — and England.. ..

— the Crown Prince of .. Gladstone Tradition, the .. Goethe, the Two Sides of Government, the : What it Should Do ?

— — and Public Opinion — — and the War ..

— — and Public Criticism ..

— Paternal, Essays in.. .. Grand Manner, the ..

Grievance, the Luxury of . • Gutenberg Anniversary, the..

HOHENLOHE, Prince, the Idea of Honours, the Value of.. .. Housing Question, Mr. Ritchie on the ..

ILLNESS, Some Aspects of .. Inefficiency and Smart Society Influenza, the Increase of .. Ireland and the War ..

— the Opportunity of..

— and the Queen ..

— the Refusal to Grant a Catholic University to Irish Lion Industry, the ..

Italian Secret Societies : Suppression of the Maffia

— Trouble in New York, the . Italy and the Modern World

— Obstruction in

-K MOM, the late Mary 836 LA21/1!,gic,aegrPZ4randalfircrwir


:: alt

'Lew sod Conscience .. .. ..

IMPE Mt', ifti.L.11 . I... .. ..: _

- the Condition of the ........832

Lion Industry, the Irish ........478 Lions that Stopped the Railway, the .. 307 Londonderry, Lord, the Appointment of.. 472 London Water-Supply, the .. .. 131 Luxury of Grievance, the .. .. 376

1VIAF'EKING, the Relief of ......728 Maffia, the Suppression of the .. .. 304 "Malaise," the National ........165 Martineau, the late James ........82 Idassingham, Mr. IL W., on the " Ethics of

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

168 132 735 828 513 168 230 692 229 162 .. 231

.. 266

237 375-799 406 509 541 589


510 766 803 770 472 266 198 374 621


473 588 657 732 201 40-161 .. 44 .. 160

.. 475 .. 513 .. 376 .. 917

441 9 200

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

45 201 45 43 163 336 437 478 304 543 342 474

477 Memoir, the Decline of the .. .. 546 Military Proposals, the .. 228 Millennium, the.. .. 695 Monarchy and Marriage .. 43: Money in the Field .. . .. 410

Monroe Doctrine, the, and Germany .. 5 — — the United States War Secretary and the 622

Morocco, the Problem of .. 729 730 Motor-Car, the Charm of the .• 593

Munldpal Trading 438 NATIONAL "Malaise," the .. 165 National Review, the, and Successional Cabinets 7 Nationalists of France, the........692 Naturalists on the Battlefield .. Naval Brigade, the, at Ladysmith .. Negro American, in Business, the .. — British, the Fate of the..

Newspaper and Its Editor, the .. 48 11 440 623 477 New York, the Police Scandal in • — — the Italian Trouble In .. Nicaragua Canal, the, and Great Britain..

O'BRIMr. W., on the War .. EN, Obstruction on the Continent Ocean Currents ..

— Winds.. .. Officialism

PAARDEBERG and Ladysmith .. Panic and Prosperity Paris, the Waning of .. .

— Exhibition, the English Country House at Parliament and the War ..

Parliamentary Joint, the ..

Peace, the Terms of Pekin, the Situation in Persia and Russia Piety of the Boers, the ..

Pines and Pools of Surrey ..

Pity, a Failure of Polltics, Civil Servants and ..

— of Roman Catholicism, the .. Poor-Law, the, and Strikes Pope, the, and the French Bishops..

Postmaster-General, the New ..

Poultice, a Political ..

Powers, the, and the War ..

— — Interested in China Pretoria, the Occupation of, and the Future Prince of Wales's Opportunity, the Princes, the Personation of Prosperity and Panic Puritanic Legislation

QITAKERISM, the Attraction of .. Queen, the, and the Soldiers' Children Queen, the, and Ireland ..

RELIGION in Education.. .. • • • ••• 11t, Religion of Sovereigns, the .. • • Reservation Judgment, the .. .. • • Rich, the Future of the Very ..

Richmond Old Deer Park, the ..

Rifle Clubs, Lord Salisbury and .. Ritchie, Mr., on the Housing Question • • Roberts, Lord .. .. .. ..

Romance, " Early Christian" .. ..

Roman Curia, the .. .. .. ..

— Catholicism, the Politics of .. • .

Rome in the Middle Ages .. .. • •

Rosebery, Lord, the Position of .. .. .. — — his Letter to the Western Daily Mercury..

Ruskin, John .. .. .. .. .. ..

— — and Modern Business .. .. .. ..

Russell, Lord, and Secret Commissions .. ..

Russia and Persia .. .. .. .. ..

— Germany, and Turkey .. .. .. ..

Russian Imperial Ideal, the .. .. .. ...

QT. PA.TRICES Day .. .. .. 405 L3 Salisbury, Lord, ami 'Sits Chiba .. ea%

BevalieUngrInellomanceofthe.. .. 547 --tbollinscrottlie.. .. .. .. C27 Secnritle, Lime Sate-Yeerinw of .. -

II eor fleatement cue Publicity as to the Peet, the 885 Shakespeare and the Sea .. .. .. 697 Shamrock Day .. .. .. .. .. 405 Sheep, Plain and Coloured .. .. .. 443 Shells of the River Thames, the . • .. 835 Shields in War .. .. .. .. .. 8 Siege Gardens and Crops .. .. .. 378 " Slimness" .. .. .. .. .. 545 Smart Societyand Inefficiency . • .. 201 Soldier-Settlers for South Africa • • .. 620 Solitude, the Uses of .. .. .. .. .. 626 Sovereigns, the Religion of .. .. • . .. 592 panish-American Union, a .. .. .. .. 867 pasmadic Virtue.. .. .. , • .. 377 pion Hop Despatches, the .. . , , „ .. 540 pring, the Speed of .. .. .. .. .. 639 tephanle, Princess, the Announcement of the

Wedding of .. .. .. .. 439

trikes and the Poor-Law .. .. 407 ubmarine Boats, a Trial for .. 683 names as a Charm .. .. .. 105 Surrey, the Pines and Pools of .. 918

TEACHERS and Tenure .. Temperance Congress, the Thames, the Filling of the .. — Our Unused River

— the Shells of the .. .. • • Thomson and Sons, of Huddersfield, and the Ruskin Ideal „ Toy Soldiers .. • • Trade-Unions, the Federation of .. • • Turkey, the Decline of

Typhoid in South Africa, Mr. Blirdett-Coutts on

— — 0 1.

• •

• • • • •

• • • • • • • • • •

377 543 267 43 914 166 306 269

.. 301 .. 591 .. 659 the 770 .. 128

199 300-372 797 264 408 918 696 695 913 407 266 472 800 198 265 796 339 769 591 734

.. 801

84 336 79 592 624 476 870 6.56 200 264 662 341 913 770 589 800 133 234 511 264 473 60 544 831 12 768 835 234 342 132 473 915

UGANDA Railway, the, and the Lions

VALUELESS Printed Matter " 660 WILDECK-ROUSSEAU, M., his Amnesty gill 109

War Office Reform and

— the Wrote Of, and ita Offsets 405

— the Duration of the .. 692

— the End of the .. .. 764 in South Africa, Articles Pertaining to the, 6-11-77- 128-160-229.264-300-372-404-405-436-472-508-540- 620-692-728-764-796-865-915

Water-Supply of London, the ......131


White, Mr. Arnold, on Smart Society ., 202 Winds, Ocean, the Varying Forces of the • • 306 Women's Trade-Union League, the.. .. • • 475

Writers, the Immortal .. 270


Abon !lamed (Rennet Rodd) .. 486 Children of the Blood, the .. .. 241 Colonel Baden-Powell : the Story of a Hero (Edward Sydney Tylee) 631 Confession of a Critic : Lines Written in an Album 89 England at War (A. D. Godley) .. 18 February, 1900 ..

Freedom's Slave (Leonard 8. Higgs) .. 414 Garden Colony, the : a Reminiscence of Natal (Gascoigne Mace, e) 53 In Memoriam : "H. P. P."—" F. M."—"J.W. A. O." —(Killed in Africa] (E. W. Hornung) .. 172 — — Cecil William Boyle (T. Herbert Warren) 552 — — Catharine Gladstone, June 14th, 1900 • • 876 John Ruskin (F. W. Bourdillon) .. • . 139 Lord Roberts (Edward Sydney Tylee) .. • • 318 Making Haste (Arthur C. Benson).. .. • • 521 Marriage (Arthur Munby) .. • • 207 Mater Dolorosa (K. M. Wheeler) . .. 486 Message of the Bells, the (Edward iydney Tylee) 741 Of Humiliation (from the Persian) ..

Only Son, the (Henry Newbolt)

Our Lady of Empire (B. Paul Newman) ..

Queen's Vint to Ireland, the (The Bishop of Salmon Run, the : Fraser River (Leonard S.

Saturday Night Soldiers Spring and Hid (Ella Fuller.Maitland) Stevenson of the Letters (B. Paul Neuman) .. Swallows, the (B. Paul Neuman)

Trafalgar Square in Spring : after Spenser (M. M.

Two Irish Love Songs : She Is My Love ; Since We Should Part (Alfred Perceval Graves) .. 923


Waggon Hill : Ladysmith, January 6th, 1900 (Henry Newbolt) 775

Waking at Night (Mabel Dearmer) . 669 " Wearin' of the Green," the (The Author of "Father O'Flynn "),........848 Where My Treasure Is (Eden Phillpotts).. .. 207


Academy, the .. 631-670-742 New Gallery, the .. 54-599

Vandyck Exhibition at the Academy, the.. .. 18

Wallace Collection at Hertford House, the .. 922 MUSIO. Cost of a Private Orchestra, the .. Decline of the Prima Donna, the .. Grove, the late Sir George .. Music as a Rural Diversion Realistic Music ..

Bolder-Musicians ..

Allen, J. L.—The Blue-Gram Region of


Mita of (R6103, race it all

Kentucky ..

Armstrong, E. S.—History of the Melanesian 812 Arnold, T.—Passages in a Wandering Life .. 418

Askwith, E. H.—The Christian Conception of Holiness .. • • 878

BAILLIE-GROHMAN, W. A.—Sport and Life in Western America and British Columbia 244

Bancroft, H. IL—The New Pacific— .. 244 Barnes, A. S.—St. Peter in Rome 315 Beeching, H. 0.—Poetical Works of Milton .. 314

Bell, C. Napier—Tangweera .. • • • • 55 Benson, A. C.—Fasti Etonenaee .. 173 Bent, T. and Mrs. T.—.Southern Arabia .. 556 Bentley, H. C.—Poems .. 897 — W. IL—Pioneering on the Congo .. 926

Biddulph, J.—The XLXth and their Times .. 93

Birrell, A.—Collected Essays 277

Bishop, Mrs. J. F.—The Yangtze Valley 898 Black, J. 8., ed. by—Encycloptedia Mika .. 450 — W.—Cruises in the Mediterranean of H.M.S.

' Chanticleer • • Blind, Mathilde—The Ascent of Man .. Blunt, W. S.—Satan Absolved Bonsai, S —The Golden Horseshoe.. .. Bookwalter, J. W.—Siberia and Central Asia .. Bourdeilles, P. de—The Book of the Ladles .. Bowles, T. G.—The Declaration of Paris of 1856 Brodrick, G. C.—Memories and Impressions,

1831-1900 .. .. 529

.. 307 276

18 89 599 448

841 807 599 140 704 313

Vocation (Katharine Tynan) .. Vox billitantis (B. Pani Neuman) ..

• • •

• •

• • • •

.. 704 .. 89 .. 808

.. 562

.. 241

.. 381 896 897 173 744 279 671 777

CANDRIC, H. C.—How Women may Earn a Living — _ . .. 350 Castiglione, Count B.—The Book of Courtier 448 Cawein, Madison—Myth and Romance .. 851

Charming' Grace 1L—Sea Drift 897 Cheyne, T. R., ed. by—Encyclopredia Biblica .. 450

Christian, F. W.—The Caroline Islands .. — 244 Churchill, W. 8.—London to Ladysmith via

Pretoria .. 743 Clergue. IL, ed. by—George Selwyn : Letters aid Life • 56

Clowes, W. Laird—Eclogues.. — 351 Clyde, 3.—Life of Edward FitzGerald 635 Cock, Mrs. A.—Life of lime. de Longueville .. 92 Collins, J. C.—Early Poems of Lord Tennyson .. 895 Coubertin, P. de—France since 1814 .. 601

Crookes, Sir W.—The Wheat Problem .. 113

DAVENPORT, C.—English Embroidered Bookbindings Davis, H. W. C.—Balllol College ..

— — Charlemagne ..

Dearmer, P.—Highways and Byways in Norway Denison, J. E.—Notes from my Journal when Speaker of the House of Commons

Dolbear, A. K—Matter, Ether, and Motion ..

Douglas, Sir G.—James Hogg _ Dowden, J.—The Workmanship of the Prayer-

Duff, Sir 'id. G.—Notes from a Diary; EDWAB.DS, H.8.—Personal Recollections .. 842

FAME, J. J.—A History of Wireless Tele- Fisher, J. R.—Finland and the Tears .. 141

ritchett, W. H.—How England Saved Europe, 671 Fitzgerald, K A.—The Highest Andes .. 244 Flammarlon, C.—The Unknown .. 844 Fortescue. J. W.—A History of the British Army, 209

Fry, Sir K—James Hack Take .. 19

GASQUET, F. A.—The Eve of the Reforma- tion Gerard, W.—Dolan° : a Tragedy Conner, E. C. K.—The Social Philosophy of Rel- bertns

• C.—The Epistle to the Romans, Vol. IL Gwatkln, H. IL, ed. by—The Church, Past and

IRELAND, A.—Tropical Colonization .. 244 JACK, A. A.—The Prince ..— Jane, F. T.—The Imperial Russian Navy .. 81.7 279 Japp, A. 11.—Our Common Cuckoo, &c. 524 Jekyll, Gertrude—Home and Garden.. 383

Johnson, C.—Among English Hedgerows .. 20

Tr ERNE, H. G.—Hic at Clique. 351 Kennedy, Sir W.—Hurrah for the *Life of a Bailor I 896 Kingsley, G. H.—Notes on Sport and Travel .. 207

Kipling, R.—From Sea to Sea 416 Kropotkln, P.—Memoirs of a Revolutionist .. 571

LANE-POOLE, 8.—Rulers of India : Babe 278

Lang, A.—A History of Scotland, Vol. L 634

Lefdbvre, A—Embroidery and Lace— 115

Lloyd, A. B.—In Dwarf Land and Cannibal

Country ..

Lougridge,G.—ilistory of the Oxford Mission to Calcutta............708 Lucas, W.—Fugitives MI is ASTON, G.—Mrs. Delany .. .. 600

Pearson, H. J.—Beyond Petsora Eastward 244

Peel, C. V. A.—Somaliland. .. 244 Pitcairn, E. H.—Unwritten 'Laws and Ideals of Active Careers . . .. 316 Poynter, Sir E. J., ed. by—The National Gallery 674 Purcell, E. S.—Life and Letters of Ambrose

Phillipps De Lisle 385 115

174 876 843 879 21 210 555 449


112 897 246 927 673

HAGGARD, H. Rider—A Farmer's Year, 1898 57 Hand, J. E., ed. by—Good Citizenship 142 Harrison, F.—Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill, &a. 54 Hauptmann, G.—The Sunken Bell.. .. 602 Henson, H. H., ed. by—Church Problems.. 673 Hobson, J. A.—The War in South Africa.. — 383

Hodgkin, T.—Italy and her Invaders, Vols.

VIL-VIII... . . 91 Hoffding, II.—A: 'History of Modern Philosophy 487 Holland, H. it—Old and New : Sermons .. .. 927

631 Hopper, Nora—Songs of the Morning — . 897

Howe, M. A. De W., ed. by—The Beacon Bio- graphies of Eminent Americans .. .. .. 574 Hume, M. A. 8.—Modern Spain .. .. .. 140

Huntington, A. IL—The Ingenious and Diverting Letters of the Lady—'e Travels into Spain.. 810


NIA-C1C_INNON, J.—'10atory. 32141ward ILL era Ifropherann. It —Herbert Spencer .. 743 775 Mahan, A. T.—Lessons of the War with Spain .. 313 Martin, B. K and C. IL—The Stones of Paris in

History and Letters 523

Maspero, G.—The Panting of the Empires .. 572 Maudslay, A. C. & A. Glimpse at Guatemala 417 Meakin, B.—The Moorish Empire .. 488

• J. G.—Life and Letters of Sir J. E. Millais 111

/Inman, A.—Dean H. H. Milman 349

Mitchell, D.—A Popular History of the High- lands and Gaelic Scotland ..

Molten°, P. A.—Life & Times of Sir J. C. Molteno 706 Morrison, G. H., intro. by—Memoirs of the Life,

&c., of Thomas Boston 114

Moulton, Louise C.—At the Wind's Will 351 Mulholland, Rosa—Vagrant Verses.. .. 351 Munro, H. H.—The Rise of the Russian Empire.. 925 — R.—Prehistoric Scotland .. .. 573 — — Gambles and Studies in Bosnia, Herze-

govina, and Dalmatia .. 924

O'NEILL, Moira—Songs of the Glens of Antrim .. 278 RAPP, Dr. J.—Tirol lmJahre 1809 Rawson, E. K.—Twenty Famous Naval Reid, W.—Memoirs, &c., of Lord Playlet* .. Roscoe, E. S., ed. by—George Selwyn : Letters

and Lile

Roundell, First Earl of Selborne—The Catholic and Apostolic Church .. Ryley, J. H.—Ralph Fitch ..

T. JOHN, Sir S.—Rajah Brooke.. .. 243 AD Scott, F. G.—Poems, Old and New .. 897 Selborne, First Earl of—The Catholic and

Apostolic Church .. 352

Smith, Goldwin—Shakespeare : the Man.. .. 777

— — The United Kingdom .. .. 172 — J. H.—The Troubadours at Home .. 709

— W. A.—Temperate Chile 244 Stabbing, W., ed. by—Charles Henry Pearson .. 809 Steevens, G. W.—Things Seen .. 877 Start, Mrs. N. G.—Life of Charles Start .. 554 Swinburne, A, 0.—Rosamund, Queen of the


WARBURTON, Sir R.—Eighteen Years in

the Khyber .. 415 Waugh, F. G.—The Athenaeum Club .. 632

Whibley, O., intro. by—Babelais : Gargantua and 745 White, G.—The Natural History of Selborne .. 242 Wilkins, W. 11.—The Love of an Uncrowned 707 Willson, B.—The Great (Hudson's Bay) Company 621 Wilson, R.—Laurel Leaves 351 — S. L.—The Theology of Modern Literature .. 386 Wood, C. W.—In the Valley of the Rhone .. 244 Wormeley, K. P., tram by—Balzac's Letters to

Madame Hawke 553 — — The Book of the Ladles — — The Correspondence of Madame, Princess

671 BOOKS—Subjects.

AMERICANS, Eminent, the Beacon Biogra- phies of—Ed. by M. A. De W. Howe ..

Among English Hedgerows—C. Johnson.. .. Andes, the Highest—E. A. Fitzgerald .. Arabia, Southern—T. Bent and Mrs. T. Bent .. Army, British, a History of the, Vol& L-II.—J.

Athenaeum Club, the—F. G. Waugh ..

Btbar-8. Lane-Poole

BALLIOL College—H. W. C. Davis .. 174 Balzac's Letters to Madame Hanaka—Trans. by Katherine P. Wormeley .. 553 Battles, Twenty Famous Naval—E. K. Rawson 841 Biblica Encyclopsedia—Ed. by T. R. Oheyne and

J. S. Black — 450 Bookbindings, English Embroidered—C.


port .. Dalmatia, . Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Dalmatia; .. 115

Rambles and Studies in—R. Munro .. . .. 924 Boston, Thomas, Memoirs of the Life, &e., of— Intro. by G. H. Morrison.. .. 114 Th-ooke, Rajah—Sir 8. fit John 243 CAROLINE Islands, the—F. W. Christian .. 244 Catholic and Apostolic Church, the—Roun- dell, First Earl of Selborne.. 352 Chanticleer,' Cruises in the Mediterranean of H.M.S.—W. Black .. 896 Charlemagne—H. W. C. Davis 876 Chile, Temperate—W. A. Smith 244 Church Problems—Ed. by H. H. Henson.. .. 673 — the, Past and Present—Ed. by H. M. Gwatkln 673 Citizenship, Good—Ed. by J. E. Hand .. 142 Congo, Pioneering on the—W. H. Bentley .. 926 Courtier, the Book of the—Count B. Castiglione 448 Cuckoo, our Common. &o.—A. H. Japp .. 524 DELANY, Mrs.—G. Paston 600 De Lisle, Ambrose Philllpps, Life and Letters of—E. S. Purcell 385 Diary, Notes from a—Sir M. Grant Duff 449

Dwarf Land & Cannibal Country,in—A.B. Lloyd 244

"S Year, a : 1838-8. Rider HaggardFArinER land and the Tsars—J. R. Fisher .. 141



Fitch, Ralph—J. H. Ryley 635 FitzGerald, Edward, Life of—J. Clyde .. 601

France since 1814—P. de Coubertin 878 Home and Garden—Gertrude Jekyll .. SEM How England Saved Europe, Vol. IV.—W. H.

Fltchett 671.

Hudson's Bay Company—B. Willson .. .. 521 Hurrah for the Life of a Sailor 1—Sir W. Kennedy 896 TNDLL, Rulers of Babar—S. Lane-Poole .. 278 1. Italy and her Invaders, Vols.

KENTUCKY, the Blue-Grass Region of—J. L. Allen

Khyber, Eighteen Years in the—Sir R. War- burton 457

841 208 ss 352

92 671

574 20 244 556 209 632 278

DWARD DI, History ot—J. Mackinnon _ 823 E Embroidered Bookbinding's, English—C. Davenport llb Embroidery and Lace—F.. LES81:orre 116

551 Em the Passing of the—Q. Mesmer° .. 673 Esslys7olleCtild—A. Birrell " „ Z77

&mimes Faitl—A. a BSI 80II 176 Gand Home—Gertrude Jekyll .. 383 Golden Horseshoe, the—S. Bonsai .. 744 Great Company, the—B. Willson......521 634 Greece, History of, Part III.—E. Abbott .. 811 Guatemala, a Glimpse at—A. C. and A. F.

Mandalay 417

HEDGEROWS, Among English—C. Johnson 20 Hogg, James—Sir G. Douglas .. 210 Holiness, the Christian Conception of—E. H.

91 775


LACE and Embroidery-K Lefebvre 115 Lace, Point and Mow= A. E. S." .. 115 Ladles, the Book of the-P. de Bourdeilles .. 671 Literature, Modern, the Theology of-S. L. Wilson 386 London to Ladysmith via Pretoria-W. S.

Churchill .. • • • • . 743 Longneville, Mme. de. Life of-Mrs. A. Cock .. 92 TADAME, Princess Palatine, &c., the Cerra- 131. spondence of-Trans. by K. P. Wormeley 671 Magazines, the 23-176.353.450-638-779 Manchester Stage, the-Constable (pub.) .. 776 Matter, Ether, and Motion-A. E. Dolbear .. 21 Melanesian Mission, History of the-E. S. Arm-

strong .


Memories and Impressions, 1831•1900-G. 0. Brodrick .. 521 Millais, Sir J. E., Life and Letters of-J. G.

Milman, Dean B. H.-A. Milman 349 Milton, Poetical Works of-H. C. Beeching .. 314 Moorish Empire, the-B. Meakin 488 Molten, Sir J. C., Life and Times of-P. A.

Molteno . • • • • • 706 NATIONAL Gallery, the-Ed. by Sir E. J. Poynter .. 674 Norway, Highways and Byways In-P. Dearmer 843 Noodle, Stories, Tales, :-

- Accused Princes!, the-A. Upward 489 - Acrobat, the-J. D. Barry - Adventure of Princess Sylvia-0. N. William- .. 453 ..

- Atnalle's Ju•Ju-11. Bindices • • 603

- Aletta-B. Mitford .. • • 557 - All Fools-M. Pickthall603 - Andromeda-R. Buchanan .. 387

- Annie e' the Banks o' Dee-G. Stables .. 58

- Arden Massiter-W. Barry .. . • • • 489 - Atheretone Bequest, the-Mrs. C. Z. Terrott 880

- Babes in the Bush-R. Boldrewood .. 419 - Bath Comedy, the-A. and B. Castle .. 636 - Beatrice-Beatrice Whitby 778 - Beautiful Evil, the-A. Eager .. .. 94 - Beautiful Mrs. Leach, the-W. Graham .. 928 - Becky-Helen Mathers 525 - Ben Comes-M. .7. Canavan 248 - Bettina-May Crommelin 778 - Bishop's Secret, the-F. Hume .. 636 - Black Heart and White Heart, &c.-EL Rider - BoMn's Find-R. Thynne 143 - Brave Poor Thing, a-L. T. Meade 675 - Breaking the Shackles-F. Barrett .. 557 - Broken Promise, a-V. White 22 - By Order of the Company -Mary Johnston .. 351 - Cambric Mask, the-R. W. Chambers....980 - Cardinal's Snuff•Box, the-H. Harland .. 675 - Cease Fire I-J. M. Cobban 419

- Charlotte Leyland-M. Bowles 778 - Chevalier of the Splendid Crest, the-H.

- Chicamon Stone, the-C. Phillippe-Wolley .. 880 - Christalla-Esme Stuart .. 453 - Cinder-Path Tales-W. Lindsey .. 317 - Collapse of the Penitent, the-F. Wedmore .. 845 - Colonial Born-G. F. Scott .. 845 - Comedy of Temptation, a-T. Coutts .. 175 - Comedy of the Cloth, a-T. A. Lewis .. .. 175 - Comrades True-Annie Thomas .. 778 - Court Tragedy, a-A. D. 'Vend= 175 - Crazy Moment, a-Sarah Tytler 22 - Crowning of Gloria, the-R. Reardon.. .. 709 - Cynic's Conscience, a-C. T. Podmore 675 - Daniel Herrick-S. H. Burchell .. 880 - Daughter of the Marionis, a --E. P. Oppenheim 280 - Dean of Darrendale, the-W. Evereley .. 489 - Debts of Honour-M. Joke 880 - Despatch Rider, the-B. Glanville .. 813 - Devil and the Inventor, the-A. Fryers .. 778 - Disenchantment of Nurse Dorothy, the- Florence Baxendale .. 603 - Dora Myrl-M. McD. Bodkin 280 - Drake and his Yeomen-J. Barnes .. 353 - Dregs of Wrath, the-W. Ean 246 - Dweller in the Shadow, the-G. Helms .. 353 - Empire Makers, the-El-Nisbet- 675 - Engrafted Rose, the-Emma Brooke .. 853 - Experiment of Dr. Nevin, the-Z. Helms.

Beaman 557 - Fair Brigand, a-G. Horton .. 603 - Falsely Accused-G. Norway .. 675 - Fantasy In Fustian, a-G. Wemyss 175 - Farringdons, the-Ellen T. Fowler 525 - Fate the Fiddler -H. C. Macllwalne .. 746 - Favour of Princes, the-M. L. Luther.. .. 58 - Feo-11.. Pemberton .. 280 - Fighter in Khaki. a-B. Rodd 675 - Florl Goal, the-Beside Dill 246 - Flash of Youth, a-C..7. Hamilton 636 - Flute and Violin, &c.-J. L. Allen .. 709 - Folly Corner-Mrs. H. E. Dadeney 175 - Footfall of Fate, the-Mrs. J. H. Riddell .. 845 - Forsaken Way, the-P. Laramie .. 94 - For Three Moons-Frances Campbell.. .. 636 - Fortune's Yellow-Ella Macmahon 489 - From Door to Door-B. Capes ......575 - From Kingdom to Colony-Mary Devereux.. 280 - From Sand Hill to Pine-B. Harts 709 - Furze Bloom-S. Baring-Gould 143 - Garthowen-A. Rains 557 - Gay Conapiracy, a-R. W. Chambers 636

- Gay Deceivers, the-A. Moore .. 175

- Gentleman from Indiana, the-B. Tarkington 557 - Gentleman Pensioner, the-A. Lee .. 746 - Gifts of Enemies-G. E. Mitten 603 - Girl at Riverlield Manor, the-P. Prlmm .. 187 - Girl with the Feet of Clay, the-E. Turner .. 746 - Golden Dog, the-W. Kirby 280 - Golden Idol, the-J. E. Muddock 58 - Greek Peasant Stories-N. W. Williams .. 143 - Green Flag, the, &c.-A. Conan Doyle .. 453 - Haroml-B. Kaye 746 - Harvesters, the-J. EL Fletcher .. 419 - Heart of the Dancer, the-P. White 246 - Hearts Importunate-Evelyn Dickinson .. 453 - Henry Worthington, Idealist-M. Sherwood 22 - Hilda Wade-G. Allen .. 709 - His Lordship's Leopard-D. D. Wells 778

- House of Hardale, the-Rose Perkins.. 875 •••• House 01 the Wizard, the-M. L Taylor .. 317

Novels, Stories, Tales, ke. :- - Imperial Light Horseman, an-H. Bloc. .. - In a Quiet Tillage-S. Baring-Gould - In Chimney Corners-S. Macmanus .. • •

- In London s Heart-G. R. Sims.. .. • • - In Old New York-W. Barrett and N. Barron - In the New Promised Land-H. Sienktewicz - In the Wake of the War-A. St. 3. Adcock - In the Years tbat Came After -- Mrs. F.• - JaIn'agiber-0. Agnus • • • • • • •

- Joan of the Sword Hand-S. R. Crockett .. - JuatJannock-E. H .. .. •. - Kent Squire, a-F. W. Hayes .. • • • • - Kiddy-T. Gallon .. .. • • • • • • - Kingdom of a Heart, the-E. A. Rowlands ..

- Kings of the East, the-C. Crier • • • • - Knights of the Creel, the-H. Sienkiewicz Lady from Nowhere, the-F. Hume .. ' - Lady of the Regency, a-Mrs. S. Rawson

- Lao-ti the Celestial-hi. Bird • • - Life's Trivial Round-Rosa N. Carey .. • • - lAttle Anna Mark-S. R. Crockett .. - Little Lady Mary-H. G. Hutchinson.. - Loaves and Fishes-Bemis Reynolds - Logan's Loyalty-Sarah Tytier.. - Last Contingent, the-C. Myna.. - Lotus or Laurel 7-Helen Wallace .. - Love and Mr. Lewisham-M. G. Wells .. - Love of Parson Lord, the, &c.-Mary E.

- Love, Sport, & a Double Event-W. B. Gilpin - Love's Guerdon-C. H. Carroder - Lowly Lover, a-Florence Warden .. - Loyal Hussar, the, &c.-A. St. Aubyn.. - Loyal Lover, a-Mrs. Lovett-Cameron .. - MacGilleroy's Millions-lza D. Hardy.. .. - Magic Word, the-Constance Smith - Maid of the Moor, a-M. R. Stevenson.. .. - Maitland of Cortezza-F. L. Puxley - Maker of Nations, a-G. Boothby - Man, a : his Mark-W. C. Morrow .. - Man of his Age, a-H. Drummond - Maroelle of the Latin Quarter-C. Holland ..

- Marget of the Manse-Ethel F. Meddle .. - Marriage at Sea, a-W. Clark Russell.. .. - Martial Maid, a-Anne Elliott .. - Marvels and Mysteries-F.. Marsh .. - Mary Paget-Minna Smith .. - Men's Tragedies-R. V. Risley . • - Minx, the-" Iota" .. • • - Mirry-Ann -Norma Lorimer - Mr. Boyton -F. M. Allen - Mrs. Jeremie Didelere-H. J. Jennings ..

- Mrs. Knollys, Stimson - Money Sense, the-J. S. Winter .. - Mora : One Woman's History T. W. Speight - Mystery of Muncraig, the-R. J. Muir .. - Nell Gwyn, Comedian-F. Moore .. - Nemo-T. Douglas..

- Ninety North-E. Western - Nude Souls-B. Swift ..

- Obscure Apostle, an-Mme. Orzezko - Octave, an-W. E. Norris - One Queen Triumphant-F. Mathew.. ..

- Onora-Rosa Mulholland ..

- Ordered South-C. N. Williamson .. - Outsiders-R. W. Chambers - Parson Kelly-A. E. W. Mason and A. Lang.. - Paul the Optimist-W. P. Dothle - Person in the House, the-G. B. Burgin ..

- Pharaoh's Broker-E. Douglass.. ..

- Plain Miss Cray, the-Florence Warden .. - Plain Woman's Part, a-N. Chester .. - Plunderers, the-M. Roberts - Priest's Marriage, the-Nora Vynne .. • • - Princess Sophia, the-E. F. Benson .. • • - Prison House, the-Jane Jones .. .. • • - Purple Robe, the-J. Hocking .. • • - Queen's Twin, the, &c.-Sarah 0. Jewett • • - Queen Wasp, the-Jean Ididdlemase .. • • - Queer-Side Stories-J. F... • • - Rebel, the-H. B. IL Watson .. • • - Rhodesians, the-S. Chambers .. • • - Rhymer, the-A. McAuley .. • • - Rise in the World, a-Adeline Sergeant • • - Ritualism Abandoned-Kathleen Ireton • • - Roar of the Ring, the-N. Gould .. • • - Robin Hood-A. Alexander .. • • - Royal Revenge, a-A. C. Preston .. • • - Sand and Cactus-W. Ls C. Beard .. • • - Savlola-W. S. Churchill - Scruples-T. Cobb - Seafarers, the-J. Bloundelle-Burton - Second Coming, a-14. Marsh ..

- Second Lady Delcombe, the-Mrs. A. Kennard - Secret of the North Sea, a-A. Glaring - Shadow of Allah, the-Id. Roberts and AL Monteeole .. - Shameless Wayne-H. Sutcliffe .. 211 880 - She Stands Alone-M. Ashton .. 84 - Sienkiewlcz, Tales from-Trans. by S. C. de Soissons 353 - Sir Walter's Wife-Emily Etchings 387 - Sister to E'vangeline, a-C. D. G. Roberts .. 489 - Sky Pilot, the-B.. Connor .. 22 - Soldier Rigdale-Beulah M. Dix 636

- Sophia-S. J. Weyman .. 525

- Sour Grapes--J. F. Cornish .. 94 - Spendthrift, the-F. Dodsworth 880 - Steve the Outlander-A. Laycock 813

- Story of an Estancia, a -G. Crampton.. .. 489 - Strong God Circumstance, the-Helen Ship ton 463

- Sunningwell-F. W. Cornish 22 - Sword of the King, the-B. Macdonald.. 845 - Tales of King Arthur-Margaret V. Farrington 282 - Tempest-Tossed-IL E. Winchester 175 - Their Silver Wedding Journey-W. D. Howells 317 - Through Fire to Fortune-Mrs. Alexander .. 143 - Tiger's Claw, the-G. B. Burgin.. 557 - Tony Larkin, Englishman-Mrs. E. Kennard 709 - Torn-out Page, a-Dora Russell - To the Healing of the Sea-F. H. Hardy .. 94

7 - Trials of the Bantocks, the-G. S. Street .. 489

- Two Miss Jeffreya the-D. Lyall 58 - Two Summers-Mrs. J. G. Wilson 587 - Uncle Peter-Sema Jeb 317 - Under the Linden-G. Vase 387 - Unleavened Bread-R. Grant .. 813 - Until the Day Declare It-M. Cunninghame- 121

▪ Up-to-Date Panto; Lindsay • • • • 121

813 813 22 211 280 143 525 636 845 557 22 709 778 143 557 928 58 928 143 928 928 603 317 419 211 709 813 453 778 603 94 387 603 880 778 317 387 887 813 419 419 143 928 603 353 387 22 638 317 813 928 58 317 94 880 709 353 22 746 68 246 22 211 525 748 58 845 928 211 675 746 419 248 525 928 709 280 815 211 525 746 557 175 175 813 880 211 353 246 387 746 636 603 143 Novels, stories, Tales, &e.:-


Ursula-K, the-Gertrude Atherton.. 6s2:

valiant - Valley of the Great Shadow, the-Annie E

- Very Bough hDiamond, a-Florence Warden.... 24:13

- Voices in the Night-Flora A. Steel .. 813 - Wallet of Kai Lung, the-B. Brarnah

- Was it Right to Forgive 7-A. E. Barr.. 433533 ..• • 75 - Waters of Edera, the-Ouida • • 248 - Web of Fate, the-T. W. Speight .. 6 - West End, the-P. White • • 94 - When George IlL was King-A. Sagon • • 143

- While the Lotus is Closed-M. Grant

- White Dove, the-W. J. Locke .. • • 94 - White Queen, the-R. Garnier 22 - White Terror, the-F. Gras .. 52!

- Wiles of the Wicked-W. Le Queux • • 525

- Wise In His Generation-P. Davenant • • iss - Without the Limelight-G. R. Sims - .. 494 - With Sword and Cratillx-E. S. Van Tile .. • 211

- Woman and Artist-Max 0'1011 778 - Wooing of Monica, the-L. T. Meade .. 175 - World's Mercy, the-M. Gray .. 317 - Worshipper of the Image, the-R. Leckswonne 317 - Yellow Badge, the-J. Middlamaas 280 - Yeoman Fleetwood-M. E. Francis 143

POLD and New : Sermons-M. li. Holland Oxford Mission to Calcutta, HistOry of tke -G. Longrldge ACIFIC, the New-H. H. Bancroft Paris, the Declaration of, of 106-T. 13. Bowles

Paris, the Stones of, in History and Letters- B. E. and C. M. Martin . . Passages in a Wandering Life -T.Arnold Pearson, Charles Henry-Ed. by W. Stabbing Petsora Eastward, Beyond-M J. 4141740D •• Philosophy, Modern, a History of-H. HOffding Playf air, Lord, Memoirs, &c., of-W. Reid .. Poetry, Plays, ke.:- - Ascent of Man, the-Mathilde Blind - At the Wind's Will-Louise C. Moulton ..

- Dolcino : a Tragedy-W. Gerard .. - Eclogues-W. Laird Clowes - Fugitives-W. Lucas .. - Hie et Ubique-H. G. Keene - Laurel Leaves-R. Wilson - Myth and Romance-Madison Cawein - Poems-H. C. Bentley ..

- - Old and New-F. G. Scott .. - Prince, the-A. A. Jack - Rosamund, Queen of the Lombards-A. C. Swinburne - Satan Abeolved-W. 8. Blunt ..

- Sea Drift-Grace E. Channthg - Songs of the Glens of Antrim-Moira O'Neill - - of the Morning-Nora Mopper - Sunken Bell, the-G. Hauptman - Vagrant Verses-Rosa Mulholland Prayer-Book, the Workmanship of the -1.

Dowden• • • • Punch, the First Fifty Years of, 1841.91 QUEEN, an Uncrowned, the Love of-W. H. Wilkins ..

RABEL/dB : Gargantua and Pantagruel-

Intro. by C. Whibley ' Recollections, Personal-H. S. Edwards - Reformation. the Eve of the-F. A. (baguet Revolutionist, Memoirs of a-.P. Kropotkin Rhone, in the Valley of the-C. W. Wood .. Rodbertns, the Social Philosophy of-Z. C. K. Romans, the Epistle to the, Vol. IL-0. Gore .. Russian Empire, the Rise of the-IL M. Munro.. - Navy, the Imperial--F. T. Jane.. -

ST. PETER in Rome-A. S. Barnes .. 315 Scotland, a History of, Vol. L-A. Lang .. 634 Scotland, Gaelic, and the Highlands, a Popular History of-D. Mitchell 634 - Prehistoric-R. Munro........573

Sea to Sea, from-R. Kip fig, ......415 Seiborne, the Natural History of-G. White .. 242 Selwyn, George : Letters and Life-Ed. by E. S. Roscoe and H. Clergue 56 Shakespeare : the Man-Goldwin Smith 777 Siberia and Central Asia-J. W. Bookwalter 279 Somaliland-C. V. A. Peel .. . , 214 Spain, Lessons of the War with-A.. T. Mahan 313

- Modern-M. A. S. HUMS 140 - the Ingenious and Diverting Letters of the Lady—'a Travels into-A. M. Huntington 810 Speaker of the House of Commons, Notes from

my Journal when-J. R. Denison .. 879 Spencer, Herbert-IL Macpherson .. 743 Sport and Life in Western America and British Columbia-W. A.. Balllie•Groliman•244 - and Travel, Notes on-G. H. Kingsley .. 207 Start, Charles, Life of-Mrs. N. G. Start. 554

rGWEERA-C. Napier Bell - .. • . Telegraphy, Wireless, a History of-J. J. Fahie Tennyson, Lord, Early Poems of-J. C. Collins .. - Ruskin, Mill, &c.-F. Harrison ..

Things Seen-G. W. Steevens Travel, Sport, and Adventure, Pictures of- " Old Pioneer" Tropical Colonization-A. Ireland .. Troubadours at Home, the-J. H. Smith.. • • Take, Jame* Hack-Sir E. Fry .. . •

Tyrol, daa Land, and der Tyrolerkrieg von 1809

- Ins Jabre 1809-J. Rapp .. • •

ITNITED KINGDOM, the-Goldwin Smith .. Unknown, the-C. FlamMarion Unwritten Laws and Ideals of Active Careers-

& H. Pitcairn • • • •

WAR in South Africa, the-J. A. Hobson • . Wheat Problem, the -Sir W. Crookes Women : how they may Earn a Living-IL C.

927 708 244 777.

528 418 809 244 487 208

897 351 897 351 351 351 851 .361 897 897 897

173 173 897 278 897 602 351 355 487 707 745

842 112 571 244

246 927 925 279 55

21 895 54 877 244 244 709 19 452 452 172 844 318 383 113


rEth and *air Time, P1(1(11110 yANGTZE Valley, the–Mrs. J. F. Bishop .. 898


ABERDEEN and Banff, History of–W. Watt According to My Lights–J. Hollingshead Adams, Charles Frapcls–C. F. Adams .. Ad Rem: Thoughts for Critical Times In the

Church–H. H. Henson .. Africa, British–K. Paul (pub.) – Missionary Travels in–D. Livingstone .. AFRICA, SOUTH, Books on, 96-116-180.214-250.390- 421 454-495-527-605 641-677- 711-712-749-782-816-849-882 Army, a Strong, in a Free State–G. G. Coulton.. 815

ART-BOOKS– 122-575-784-899 Arthur, King, in-Cornwall–W. H. Dickinson .. 390

Athena, British School at, Annual of the .. 527 Agricultural Botany–J. Percival 848 Alfred in the Chroniclers–E. Cony beare.. .. 180

America, the Dutch and Quaker Colonies In–

– To-Day–W. 'Archer 578 American Lands and Letters–D. G. Mitchell .. 121

Andromache: a Play–G. Murray – . 526 Angio-Saxon Review—Ed. by Lady Randolph Apocalypge, Rey to the–H. G. Guineas .. 422 Apocrypha, the Use of the, in the Christian ApostoliC Age, the-J. V. Bartlet .384 Appian of Alexandria, the Roman 'History of – Aristotle's Ethics, Chapters from–J. H. Mdirhesid 903 Arms, the Right to Bear–Stock (pub.) .. 495 — British, Social Life in the–J. Long (pub.) .. 816

Asia, Innermost–B.. P. Cobbold 905 – Western, Fifty Years in–A. H. Barrow .. 783 Anglo-Saxons and Others–A. Gorren 882

AntoninWall Report, the–Maciehose (pub.) .. 27

Augustan Ages, the–O. Elton .. .. 905 Matti* Elizabeth, Empress of–A. de Burgh .. 782 Animals, Experiments on–S. Paget.. 181 Antoinette, Marie, and the Diamond Necklace – Annual Register, the–Longman(pub.) .. 816 Antiquary, the, Vol. XXXV.–Stock (pub.) .. 180 Churchill 492 Church–W. 11. Daubney 847 Trana by H. White . 581 F. de Alblid. _ 902

J. Flake

BABYLONLAN Religion and Mythology–L. W. King. 145 Babylonians and Assyrians–A. H. 'Sane.. .. 145 Bachelors, a Book of–A. W. Fox..905

Bank, Annals of an East Anglian–W. H. 677 Banker, How to Deal with Your–H. Warren .. 902 Banking Almanac, the–Ed. by P.. H. L Palgrave 27 Baronius, Cardinal, Life of–Lady A. Kerr .. 712 Beaconsfield, the Earl of–H. E. Gorst 357 Beethoven–F..1'. Crowest . 116 Below the Surface–F. Currie .. 604 Berlin, a Winter in–Marie von Bunsen .. 906 Bible, a Literary Study of the–R. G. Moulton 120 – Recent Archwology and the–T. Nicol – 748 BIOGRAPHIES, &c., 62-121-215-390-677-712-816-849-931 Bird Life, the Story of–W. P. Pycraft 882 Birthday Book, a–IL. L. Gwynn .. — . 26 Bismarck and the Foundation of the German Empire–J. W. Headlam . – 581 Blessed Virgin Mary, History of the–Ed. by E. 906 Blue Beard–T. Wilson 577 Breath from the Veldt, a–J7(1. Millais 283 British Empire, the Expansion of the–W. I. Woodward .. _ – 421 – People, Origin and Character of the–N. C. Macnamara .. 881 BrontS Sisters, Life and Works of the–Smith & Elder (pub.) .. 147489-494_678 Bruges–W. C. Robinson .. • • 357 Buchanan, George–R. Wallace Bummed, Three Bien on the–J. H. Jerome Burma–Max and Bertha Ferrars • • 748 Buss (F. M.) Schools Jubilee Magazine .. • • 526

CAMPBELL, Thomas, Life of–H. Haddon .. 61 Camp Thomas, Three Months' Experience in —J H. Clairborne 454

Canada–J. G. Bourinot .. 580 – Greater–B, B. Osborn. .. 783 – 3,800 Miles across–J. W. C. Haldane .. .. 527 Capetown to Ladysmith, from–G. W. Steevens.. 357 Carlisle, the Cathedral and See-0.M. Ely .. 455 Catholic Creed, the–J. Procter .. 678 – Mysticism–A. Thorold493 Century Magazine, the–Macmillan (pub.) 60.5 Charterhouse–A. H. Tod.. . 712 Chaucer Canon, the–W. W. Skeet' . 559 Child Life in Colonial Days–Alice M. Earle 97 – the Nervous System of the–F. Warner .. 422 Childhood, Early–Margaret McMillan .. 641 Children's Books .. 122 China, Village Life in–A. H. Smith .. 901 Chippendale, Sheraton, &c., Designs–J. M. Bell 180

Chialehurst, History of–E. A. Webb, &c. .. 145 Christ of Cynewnlf, the–Ed. by A. S. Cook .. 677

Chriato et Eulesia, pro–Macmillan (pub.) .. 678 Chronology, the Mysteries of–F. F. Arbuthnot 98 Church, Christian, History of the, Vol. Moeller – 26 – English, History or the–Ed. by Dean of Win- chester and W. Hunt 676 – – History of the–H M. Spence .. – 559 – in Great Britain, Short History of the–W. M.

Hutton .. 61 – of Christ, Forty Years in the–C. Chhilquy .. 284

– of England, the–H. Pole .. .. 118 – Questions–G. Kearney – – 144 – Thoughts for Critical Times in the–H. H.

Henson. .. 179 Cicero, Letters of–Trans. by B. S. Shuckburgh.. 581 Cistercian Abbey, Some Records of a– G. E. banks 455 Coins, Greek and Roman–G.F. Hill.. 676 – of Great Britain and Ireland in the British

Museum–H. A. Grueber. .. 97 Commons, the House of–Sir R. Temple .. 282 0011firmatIon–A. 0. A. Hall.. .■ 389 901 180 578 179 889 96 Contrasts, the Land of--J. F. Muirhead – .. 580 errantry Life–Hudson and Kearns (pub.) .. 250 Courtesy, a Book of–H. Z. Borten .. .. 605 Courtot, Baroness Cecile de, Memoirs of–Trans. by Jade Haynes .. .. .. _ 640 Coutta aid Co., Bankers–R. Richardson.. 847 Cricket, a Cricketer on–W. J. Ford .. 784 – in Many Climes–P. F. Warner .. .. 639 Crucial, In Memoriam–G. D. Davenport .. 26 Cuba, under Three Flags in–G. C. Musgrave 179

Cyprus, Excavations in–A. H. Murray, A. I. Smith, and H. B. Walters .. .. 677

– the Church of–H. T. F. Duckworth .. 748

TNANTE ALLIGHIERI, Life and Works of– J. F. Hogan .. 95

Darwin and Darwinism–P. Y. Alexander .. 213

Democracy, the New–W. J. Brown .. 282 Derbyshire Regiment, the--Sonnensclicin (pub.) 389 DICTIONARIES 493491-327-641-714 Dictionary of National Biography–Ed. by S. Lee 96-604 Dioceses, the English—G. Hill......659 Dluturnal Theory of the Earth, the–W. Andrews 213

Dogma, History of, Vol. IL–A. Harnack .. 146 inlet, Etienne–R. C. Christie . 782 Dorking, the New Battle of–Richards (pub.) .. 931 Drama of Yesterday and To-day–C. Scott .. 119 Dreamer, the Diary of a–Alice Dew-Smith 930 Dreyfus Affair, Historic Parallels to the–E. San- derson – .. 930 Durham, the County Palatinate of–G. T. Langley 358 Durnford, Richard, Memoir of–Rd. by R. W. Stephens .. .. 117 EAST, the Unchanging–R. Barr .. 904 .. Educational Reform–F. Ware.. .. 61 Egyptian Campaigns, the, 1882-99–C. Roy-le .. 900 – Hieroglyphics–E. A. W. Budge.. .. 581 – Ideas of the Future Life–E. A. W. Budge .. 95

– Magic–E. A. W. Budge . .. 95 Electrolytic Dissociation, Theory of–H. C. Jones 422 Elwood, Thomas, Life of–Ed. by C. G. Crumb .. 250 Emotions, the Pathology of-0. Ferri – 929 England and America after Independence–E.

Smith .. 900 Ephesians, Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the–H. G. 580 Epistles of Paul the Apostle, the–J. Drummond 641 Erasmus, Desiderius–E. Emerton 582 Erskine of Llnlathen–A. F. Henderson 881 Essays, &c., How to Prepare–B. H. Miles.. .. 319 Ethics and Religion--Sonnenschein (pub.) .. 422 Europe, the Making of–Nelson (pub.) .. 26 – Vol. I.–G. G. Chisholm 579 Evolution–F. B. Jevons .. .. 421 — Inorganic–N. Lockyer . 526 Exhortation, Words of–W. C. E. Newbolt .. 215

FAITH for To-day, a–R. J. Campbell .. 932 Farmstead, the–I. P. Roberts 677 Financial Reform Almanac–Simplrin (pub.) .. 27

Flowing Tide, the–Mme. Belloc 904 Forrest, Gen. N. B., Life of–J. A. Wyeth .. 902 Four Months Besieged–IL H. S. Pearse 712 Frames of B. Walkley . .. 117 French Revolutionist, the Real–I. Jephson .. 281 Frithjof and Roland–Zenalde de Ragozin .. 250

Frontier, the Making of a–A. Durand .. 388 QALATIANS, Historical Commentary on the

–W. IL Ramsay .. 580 Garden, Outside the–Helen Milman 119 GARDENING BOOKS 527-713-816 Gardens, the Praise of–A. T. Sieveking 212 Godalming, Parish and Church of–S. Waimea .. 713 God, Without a–K. Paul (pub.) 120 Gospels, the Four, Special Characteristics of –H. M. Luckock' ' . . 250

Gothic Art in England, History of–E. S. Prior.. 899

Greece, the Student's–W. Smith .. 559 Greek Comic Poets, Select Fragments of the–A. W. Pickard-Cambridge .. 97 – Drama, the–L. D. Barnett .. 713 – Song, an Echo of–W. H. D. Rouse 214 GUIDE BOOKS, &c. .. 120 194 528-784-848.882-933 Guns and Shooting, Experts on–G. T. T. Beckett Guthrie, Thomas-0. Smeaton – William, Life of–W. H. Carslaw 848 711 713

HAMLETS, Some Notable–C. Scott Hampstead Annual–Ed. by G. KMathir- son and S. C. Mayle.. 60 Hausa Language, Dictionary of the-0. H.

Robinson 119

Hawaii and Its People–A. S. Twordbly 931 Hawking, the Art and Practice of–E. B. Michell 711 Ileathcote, Families Bearing the Name of–EL D. Heathcote. 420 Hebrew Tragedy, the–C. R.'Conder – 250 Highland Drees, Arum, and Ornament–Lord A. Campbell – .. 748 Hockey–J. N. Smith and P. A. Robson 122 Holland, the American in–W. E. Griffin.. .. 179 Holy Fields, Gleanings in–H. Macmillan .. 147

Horns of Honour–F. T. Elworthy.. 559

Horses in South Africa, among–Capt. Hayes .. 711 Hospitals and Charities, 1900–Sir H. Burdett – 882 Houses for the Working Classes in Urban Dia-

tricta–S. W. Cranfield and H. I. Potter .. 494 Huxley, Scientific Memoirs of, Vol. IL–Ed. by IL Foster and R. Lankester . .. 213 Hymns of Modern Thought–Houghton (pub.).. 357 riaAto, the, Vol. I.—Ed. by W. Leaf .. 318

.L India–K. Paul (pub.) – 389

India, Picturesque, a Bird's-eye View of–Sir R.

Temple 782 – the Civilisation of–R. C. butt......713 – the Golden Book of–R. Lethbridge .. . 18u – Western, and Old Bombay, Glimpses of–J. Douglas 248

– – in–T. M. Mitchell 121 Indian Forest, Plain, and Hill, Bullet and Shot

in-0. E. Russell .—. . . .. 357 Ireland, Spring and Autumn in–A.' Austin .. 559 – the Empire, and the War–T. W. Rolleston .. 420 Irish Church, Some Worthies of the–G. T. Stokes 358 Irrigation and Drainage–A. H. King _ 422 Israel. Religion of, to the Exile–K. Budde 422 – the Divine Discipline of–C. B. Gray 118 JAMAICA, Handbook of–T. L. Roxburgh and Jew, Justice to the–M. C. Peters Johnson, the Age of–T. Seccombe Journey Round My Room, a–X. de Mahan .. Justice's Note-Book, the–W. K. Wigram

LEng,ENDALS, the–T. E. Pemberton Khiva, a New Ride to–R. L. Jefferson .. Rudyard –R. Le Gallienne ADYSMITH : Diary of a Siege–H. W. Nevin- eon 712 Ladysmith, the Siege of–R. .7. Balogh .. 749 Latin Literature of the Empire, Vol. II.–Ed. by

A. Gudeman 249 Law and Freedom–Imma M. Caillard – 180 – of Nations, History of the, Vol. I.–T. A.

Walker 282

Lawns–Sutton and Sons 180 Lieber, Francis, Life, dre., of–L. R. Harley .. 179 Life, Literary Interpretation of–W. H. Craw- Lighter iiomedia–Ed.' by T. D. Bow.. 492

Literary Reminiscences–E.'Grenter 60 Loan Capital–E. Latham ..214 London at the End of the Century–A. W. Lights and Shadows of a Long Episcopate–


Mahon of Minnesota. .. 145 Lel – Taverns, Old–B. Crillow 214 Loyola, Ignatius, the Testament of–Trans. by 878 Luca Sigtiorelli–Maud Crattwell.. 575 Lucian, the Syrian Satirist–H. W. L. Rime – 97 Luther and the German Reformation–T. M.


MADEIRA Islands, the–A. J. D. Biddle .. 146

. Magazines, the Minor.. 815 Malay Magic–W. W. Skeet........949 Malory, Sir Thomas, le Morte Darthnr

mitten (pub.) ..'. 250 Man and his Ancestor—C. Morris 560

– Races of–J. Deniker – 580 Maples, Chauncey, Journals and Papers of –Id.

by Ellen Maples. .. 121 Marriage Addresses—Ed. by 0. P. Wardell-Yer-

burgh. 319

Marrineaijs "Study Religion "–R. Arn.- 493 Michel de L'Elospital–C. T. Atkinson Midland Churches. the–G. E. Evans Military Geography–T. M. Maguire Missions, Foreign, in the Church of Scotland- Medicine and the Mlnd–IL de Fleury Mentelth, the Lake of–A. F. Hutchison.. Metropolis, Boroughs of the–A. B. Hopkins • 421

120 627 283 901 97 847 Moorish Captivity, in–H. M. 'Grey 902 Morality, the Scientific Basis of–G. Gore .. 420 Moscow, the Story of–W. Gerrare

1TAIRNE, Lady, and her Songs–G. Henderson 214 Naples, Kingdom of, the Collapse of the– H. R. Whitehouse 61 Napoleon, Louis, and Mlle. de Montljo–I. de

Saint-A mand .. 97 Natal Campaign, the–J. B. Burlelgh .. 454

– the Land and its Story–R. Russell 96 Nation, the Mind of the—M. F. P. Dorman .. 282

Nativity, Our Record of the–J. Thomas.. .. 882 Nature Pictures by American Poets–Ed. by Annie R. Marble .. 146 Naval Annual, the–Griffin (pub.) .. 846 Navy, Our, for 1,000 Years–S. Eartley-Wilmot 121 Netherlands, History of the People of the, Vol. IL –P. J. Blok . 748 New South Wales, the Wealth and Progress of,

1897-98—T. A. C,oghlan . 249 – Testament Handbooks—Macmillan (pub.) .. 61

– Zealand, History of–A. Saunders . • 579 Nigeria–C. H. Robinson .. .. • • 283 Nixon, John—J. E. Vincent .. • • 903 Summits and Crammits–Sarah Jewett .. .. 848 Nursing, Handbook of–M. N. Oxford .. • • 214 60 Vet SSION Play, the–Trans. by Maria Trench 527 Peel's Decision–E. G. Blackmore 455 Physiology, Mementary, Lessons in – T. H. Peugeots's, &c.–J. G. Fraser 848 Pembroke College, Oxford–D. Maclean.. .. 283 Phil May Album, the–Coll. by A. M. Moore .. 899 Philosophy, Modern, in France–L. Levy-Brahl 581 .1 Pastoral Epistles, the Dates of the–W. E. Bowen .. 493 494 Pink and Scarlet–Col. Alderson 422 Plymouth and Devonport–H. F. Whitfield .. 640 Poems–F. C. Bodley 676 Poetarum Latlnorum Corpus – Ed. by J. P. Postgate 749 POETRY BOOKS, &O. .. 97.120.2213-215-248-249- 283-359.388-494-750-887 – Ramayana–R. C. Dntt – Rhymes, Old and New–M. E. 8. Wright .. – Story of Eros and Psyche, the–E. Carpenter – Aristophanes, the Frogs of–Trans. by E. W. – Drift–H. F. Brown – Epic, History of–J. Clark – In Time of War–Archbishop Trench .. – King Alfred's Dream, &c.–F. W. Ram – Lucretius on Life and Death–W. IL Mallock – Lyra Fumosa –E. H. Griffiths . – Martial, Translations from–Rivingtons(pub.) – Tentamina–D. Slater ..

– Viathe Sixth Mudd of–Trans. by It.

– What i• HolnVes 283 – Dual Land, the–Stock (pub.) .. Hun tingford

iclsto 678

931 816 881 526 388 782 848 847 931 390 640 750 678 528 389 676 421 180 250 681 848

(ECUMENICAL Documents of the Faith, the

–Ed. by T. H. Bindley 61 Oporto, Old and New–C. Sellers . 930 Our Stolen Summer–Mary S. Boyd 847 932 Oxford English Dictionary–Clarendon Press (pub.) . 62-494

– Leaders, Five Great–A. B. Donaldson .. 249 Oxoniensis Nova Anthologla–Ed. by R. Ellis and

931 388 847 581 493 120 575 932 454 121 846 605 882 61 "Punch," a Peep into-J. H. Schooling .. 882 Puritan, the, as Colonist and Reformer-E. H. Byington Piney. Edward Bouverie, Spiritual Letters of -Ed. by J. 0. Johnstone and W. C. E. Newbolt 579

QUAB.TERLIES, the .. 144-558-604

REFERENCE BOOKS, DIRECTORIES, &c., 62-147-215 284-368-389-390493-526-641478-933 Regiments, Famous Fighting-G. Hood .. 848 Reliquary and Illustrated Archeologist-Ed. by Reminiscences-Mrs. Lynn Linton.. - Anglo-French-M. Betham•Edwards - 1819-99-Julia W. Howe Rhetorician, a Royal-Ed. by R. S. Raft Rifle-Shooting for Tyros-A. G. Sutton Roguery, Romances of-F. W. Chandler .. Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic- W. W. Fowler.. ..

Romantic Triumph, the-T. S. Omond Romany Rye, the-G. Borrow .. Rossetti, D. G.-H. C. Earthier Rowing, Oxford-W. E. Sherwood.. .. Rnbens-E. Michel Rural Wealth and Welfare -0. T. Fairchild .. nueldn, John-Mrs. Meynell - - Life of-W. G. CoWngwood - Union Journal, the ..

usdan Literature, History of-X. Wallszewski

SACRAMENT, Reservation of the-J. S. Franey St. Elias, Mount, the Ascent of-F. de Filippi St. Jerome-Father Largent

St. Luke's Gel in Greek-A. Wright

St. Paul, the Master Builder-Dr. Lock Saints, a Garner of-A. Hinds

Sandhurst, the Annals of-A. F. M. Ferryman .. Sanskrit-English Dictionary - E. M. Monier- Williams SCHOOL and TEXT BOOKS, 62-146-181.284-390-493- 641-749-783-849 Science, a Century of-J. Make 98 Scotland, Hiatorfe and Chronicles of-Ed. by A. J. E. Mackay 578 Scotland's Ruined Abbeys-H. C. Butler.. .. 711 Scottish Church and University Almanac, 1900- Macniven (pub.) .. Sermons, Cathedral and University-G. Salmon 932 Shakespeare, Editions of 62-180-215-358-391-494-528-933 - Historical Tales from-A. T. Quitter Conch 249 Shakespeare's Hamlet-H. Ford 750

- Sonnets-S. Butler.. .. 120 Sharpshooting for Sport and War-W. W. Greener 710 Shetland Isles, a Vertebrate Fauna of the-T. C. Buckley and A. H. Evans Social and Political Pioneers of the Nineteenth Century, Some-H. Balmforth

South African Unity, the Problem of-W. B. Wuzslcid Sovereign Ladies of Europe, the - Ed. by Countess A. von Bothmer120 Spain, History of-Ed. by 3L A. S. Hume .. 711 - Impressions of-J. R. Lowell421 - the Downfall of-H. W. Wilson .. 96 - the Story of a Journey-J. Isragle 575 Spanish Literature in the England of the Tudors

-J. G. IInderhill 213 Spenser Anthology, the-Ed. by Professor Alter 97 SPORT, arc, Book' on.. 6142-180-390-391-527411-714 Square of Sevens, the-Pref. by E. L Stevenson 422 Squatter's Note-Book, Leaves from a-T. Dialer 494

Stage as a Career, the-P. G. Hubert .. 714 Star-Land-R. S. Bali 121 Storyology-B. Taylor ..605 Struvrwelpeter Alphabet, the-H. Begbie 782 Studies, Historical, &c.-J. M'Ewan .. 783

Study and Stage-W. Archer .. 903 Sullivan, Sir A., Life-Story, Letters, &c.-Bowden


Surrey, H..letory of-11.. E. Malden .. 932 - the Birds of-J. A. Bucknill .. 932 Symbolism of the East and West-Mrs. Murray-

Aynsley . 180 Synoptic Gospels, the-Ed. by G. L. Cary .. 848

ITIACTICS, Modern, Outlines of-E. Gunter .. 318 11 Teck, Princess Mary Adelaide of--C. K. Cooke 577 Temperance Problem, the -J. Rowntree and A.

Sherwell 882 Temple Primers, the-Dent (pub.) . 390-559-713 Tennyson as a Religions Teacher-C. F. G. Masterman . 214 - Poems of-Trans. into French by L. Morel .. 117 That Reminds Me- -Sir E. Russell 60 THEOLOGICAL BOOKS, 61-147.180-215-250.284-358- 389-422-493-641-678-713-749.783-932 Thought, What Is 7-3. H. Stirling.. 904 Thring, Edward, Life and Lettere-0. R. Parkin 389 Topography, English-Ed. by F. A. Milne .. 609 Transvaal in War and Peace, the-N. Edwards.. 389

ATENABLES, Gen., the Narrative of-Ed. by

C. H. Firth 748 Victoria Nyanza, the-P. Kollman.. 96 'Slimy, Josiah-H. Johnson........249 Virgil, Unpublished Legends of-0. G. Leland .. 582 Political Growth ia the 19th Century, an Outline of-E. H. Sears ..

- Philosophy, English, from Hobbes to 'Maine- W. Politics and Administration-F. J. Goodknow Prairie, Boy Life on the-H. Garland .. Prayer-Book, History of the-L. Pullen Ayers,:. Manual of, from the Liturgy-W. E.

Preraphaelite Diaries and Letters-Ed. by W. M. Rossetti Presence, the Secret of the-H. C. G. Monte Pretoria, Towards-J. Ralph .. Primacy of England, the-S. F. Hutton Propheten, Moderne-L. Klausner.. Proverbs, Applied .. Pschological Ethic, a Buddhist Manual of-A.

Pulpit Pointe from Latest Literature-J. F. B. 214 98 119 118 930 677 882 905 116 283 494 899 527 899 714 905 582 492 421 641 931 677 318 903 677 881 358 27 930 96 War of 1792, Causes of the-J. H. Clapham .. - on the Eve of the-E. Cecil .. • • • • - the Redemption of-F. Paget .. .. • • - with Sampson through the-W. A. M. Goode Wellington-A. E. Knight .. .. • • • • Weapons, Modern, and Modern War-I. B. Bloch Wesleyan Hymn-Book, the Latin Hymns in the -F. W. Macdonald .. .. • • • • • • Whist, Intellectual-A. W. Drayeon .. • • Wide Dominion, a-H. Buidloss .• • • Wilkie, David-E. Plnnington .. • • • • Wimborne Minster and Christchurch Priory-T.

Perkins .. Women in Industrial Life, &c.-11nwin (pub.) .. World, the Silver Map of the-Id. Christy ..

yORKSHIRE Schools, Early, Vol. L-A. F.

ZACHARLLE of MItylene, the Syriac Chronicle of-Trans. by F. J. Hamilton & E. W. Brooks 930 Zoology, Manual of-T. J. Parker & W. A. Haswell 98


A CADENT, the Royal, 703.

Africa, North, the Cloud in, 380-444.

Africa. South : the Evil Genius of, 239 ; How to Treat the Rebels, 481-548-597 ; Soldier-Settlers for, 520- 665 ; the War in, 665 ; the Natives of, 772 ; the Lan- guage Question In, 920.

American, an, on the War in South Africa, 667. American Negro, the : in Business, 485 ; the Future of, 516. American Reconstruction, the Leeson of, 771. American Sentiment on the War, 137-274. American War, the Cost of the, in Men and Money,17. Argyll, the Late Duke of, 630. Army and Navy Association, a Proposed, 87 ; Army : the Primary Defect in the, 89 ; Our Future,172 ; Pro- posals, the, 274 ; League, the, 309-345-380-629 ; Strategic School, an, 666 ; Social Lilt in the. 838-921. Australia, a Suggestion from, 483. Australian Commonwealth and the Privy Council, the, 667. Australian Naval Defence, 205-276-310.

Austria and Disintegration, 483.

Austrian Opinion on the War, 88.

B1DEN-POWELL'S Book on Scouting, 599-629: Bird-Stories, 922. Birmingham (King Edward VI.) Schools Bill, 922.

Blood-Accusation, the, 13.

Boer : War, the, and the Future of Holland, 276 ; Conspiracy, the, 310: Independence, 345 ; Piety, 446; Character, the, 666.

Bower's Horse, 446.

Bradfield College, the Greek Play at, 871.

Bright, John, on War, 412-445-481.

British Flag, the : a Suggestion, 668.

nAXBR1DOR, Impressions of an American Student at, 919.

Cape Dutch, the, 14-52-137 ; and Sir A. Milner, 85. Cape Colony : Loyalists, the, 170; the First Premier of, 740-774.

Caucasian Man of Letters,-a, 381.

Century, the New, 15.

Churches, the, and the War, 85-137.

Clarke, Sir E., the Dismissal of, 275.

Clergy, Subscriptions in Aid of the, 347-380. Colonial Monument, a, 238-276-309-344-380-446. Colonial Navies, Separate, 804.

Colonial Troops, the : a Suggestion, 774-806. Compulsory Service, 171-239.

Conscription : How to Avoid, 170 ; the Need of, 170. Courtot, Baroness, the Memoirs of, 629.

Crimean War. Our Army in the, 206. Cronwright-Schreiner, Mr., and the Dutch, 549. Cuban Discontent, 837.

Cuckoo, the, 598.

DALE, Dr., and the Convention of Pretoria, 481. Danish Feeling towards England, 52. Death : Rate, the, 88 ; the Physiology of, 482. Delany, Mrs., 704-740-774-807-839.

Dewey, Admiral, 669.

Discussion, Liberty of, 806.

Doctors and Nurses in the Field, 308. Dryden and the Dutch, 240.

Dutch Ascendancy in South Africa, the Dream of a, 775-807.

LFFICIENCY and Empire, the late Mite Mary Kings- ley on, 51.

Egyptian Babylon, the, 483. Elephantine Memory, 447. England : How Can I Help ? 13-86-139; and America, 740.

English Education and Voluntary Schools, 596. English People in France, 518. Exeter Hall Meeting, the, 414.

rrrcarrr, Mr., and the Duke of Wellington, 805. France, the Map of, 629. French and English, 518. French Opinion on the War, 88. Friends' Indian Famine Fund, the, 848. From all the Seven Seas, 699-773.

(C Generals, and the War, 239, Generals, the Choice of, 310. German Agrarians, the, 484. German Relief to India, 773. Germany and England in 1854, 521. God's Aid and the War, 86. Gough, Lord, and Lord Hardinge, 346.

Government Proposals, the, and the Volunteers, 235. Government, Paternal, 520-598. Greek Play at Bradfield College, the, 871. Guatemala, 483. Gun-Tax v. the Practice of Shooting, the, 50. Gwynn, Wen the " Birthday Book" of, 52. WAGNER-C. A. I4dgey .. • • • • War,tnaity Diocese during the-Bishop of

357 931 283 930 215 61 816 147 180 146 121 690 27 640 494 145

H131111cm on the New Testament, 414-447. Holland : the Future of, 204: the Position of, 311-347-484.

Home Defence League, a, 206-238-240.

Horafall, Mr. T. C., and Military Drill in Schools,


Horses for the Army, a Reserve of, 921.

IMPERIAL Parallel, an, 411. -1- Indian Idilitary Story, an Old, 17. Indian Famine Funds, 348-740.

Influenza, the, 88. Irish Guards, the Regiment of, 347-598. Irish Roman Catholic University, an, 482. Italian Trouble in New York, the, 741. "I've Got the Order In my Pocket," 17.

JANESON Bald, a Doubt as to the, 772. Johnson, Dr., on PnbUcity, 666. Judicial Committee, Appeals to the, 312447.

VINTUDEY, the Blue-Grass Region of, 838.

44- Kingsley, the late Mies Mary, on Efficiency and Empire, 51.

Less, Andrew : a Correction, 598. Lansdowne, Lord, and the Government, 136. Lit-nodal., the late Richard Frederick, 52. Loan Capital, 239.

Loyola, Ignatius, the " Testament " of, 740. " London at the End of the Century," 206.

Ludlow, Mr., on the War in South Africa, 519.

MACKAREESS, Mr., and Sir Alfred Milner, 313. McLachlan, Mr.., the Shooting of, 204. Malta to Ladysmith, 345.

Martineau, Dr., and a Case of Conscience, 381.

maw:Ingham, Mr., on " Smart Society," 237.

MeTaltolrgelrht, the Mistrust of the, 275.

Military Service, Universal, 205-346.

Millennium, the, 703.

Milner, Sir Alfred, 312; and Mr. J. Molten, 17-5E-

139 ; and the Cape Dutch, 85.

}divert, Mr., and Cardinal Vaughan, 169.

Molteno, Mr. J., and Sir A. Milner, 17-53-139.

Mommeen, Professor, and the North American Review, 481.

Money in the Field-in India, 447.

Monroe Doctrine, the, 875.

Mouravieft, Count, and England, 920.

Municipal Trading, 483-551.

46 AILIEME, Lady, and her Songs" : a Disclaimer, 240. AA Naples Society for the Protection of Animals,774. National Characteristics, Our, 171.

National Defence, 311.

Naturalist on the Battlefield, the, 413.

Naval Engineers in Foreign Navies : a Comparison, 872.

Navy, a Serious Defect in the, 864-701-737-804-874. Negro : American, in Business, the, 485 ; the Future of the, 516 ; British, the Fate of the, 741.

Newspaper and its Editor, the, 773.

Night-Gowns, 704-740-774-807-839.

OFFICER, the so-called Stupid, 550 Orchestra, the Cost of a Private, 874. Otter, a Domestic, 17.

" PARSON BELLY" : a Humble Critidati, 550. 4- Peace, the Terms of, 412. Pearson, the late Charles Henry, 840.

Pity, a Failure of, 774.

Poetry, Dream, 806. President's Message, the, 413.

Press, the, and the War, 88.

Prince of Wales's Opportunity, the, 789. Public School Cadet Corps, 274-344-379.

UAKERISM, the Attraction of, 837.

kt Queen : in Dublin, the, 479517; the French Descent of the, 805-839.

Quotations, 488.

pCHELAN and Puritanism, 838.

Rand Mines, the, 445.

Rebels, the Treatment of, 481-548-597.

Religion : in Education, 137; of Sovereigns, the, 666.

Reminder, a, 551.

Reservist Colony, a, 520.

Rhodes, Mr. : the Two, 204; and the Nationalist

Members, 240 ; on the Brain, 811; in Kimberley, 447 :

and the Native Question, 920.

Richards, Dr., of Exeter College, 840. Richmond Old Deer Park, 92L Rifle Clubs, 16-738-773-807-839-921.

Rifle Fire : the Ineffectiveness of, 348; the Effects of, 413.

Rifle League, a British, 240-276.

Riflemen, Mounted, 88-138.

Rifle Ranges : how to Get Them, 49 ; and Rifle Clubs, 139.

Rifle-Shooting : the Encouragement of, 239; on Sundays, 345.

Roberts, Lord, as High Commissioner of South Africa, 549.

Rome and Babylon, 413. Rooks in Hyde Park, 551. Rosebery, Lord, on the Volunteers, 274.

Ruskin and Messinger on War, 53.88.

ST. GEORGE of England, 485-519-551. St. Patrick's Day, 413. Sallebury, Lord, and Rifle Club's, 702. " Scum of the Earth," the, 15. Sea, the Undying Romance of the, 598-668.

Settlers for South Africa, 445. Seymour, Louis Irving, 922. Shields in War, 16-50-312. Siege Gardens and Crops, 446. Society, Smart, and Inefficiency, 236.

Spectator, the, In South Africa, 550.

Splon Kop Despatches, the, 598. Soldier : the British and the Foreign, 272; a Brave, 520.

Stage, Mr. B. Smith on the Condition of the, 774440:

Stoughton, the late Dr., and the Athenesum Club, 669.

Staling and the Poor-Law, 485.

Submarine Boats, 596-628-667.

Success as a Charm, 381414. Sun, the Eclipse of the, on May 28th, 736. Swiss Feeling towards England, 380411. Switzerland, England, and Liberty, 807.

Mascaras and Tenure, 630-667. -I- Temperance Cause, the, 875. Tommy Atkins and the Indian Sepoys, 598.


*VAL sS Printed Mutter," 704. Vaughan, Cardinal, and Mr. ?divert, 169. Virgil and the Sea, 805.

Volunteer Drill and Tactics, 171. Volunteer Officers. 87.

WAR Minister, Our Future, 804. War Office Reform and the Civilian Element, 49. War : the Chief Lesson of the,14 ; and the Churches, 85 ; the Evils of, 137 ; the Causes of Disaster, 237-273 ; the National Conscience and the, 237-275-310. Warwick, Lady, on Teachers and Tenure, 630. Waterloo Ball, the, 485.

Wellesley, Lord, on the Cape, 480.

Wellington, the Duke of, and Mr. Fitchett, 805-840. White and Black, 550.

White, Mr. Arnold, and the Foreign Office, 312.

ZAIGIWILL, Mr., on the Blood-Accusation, 13.



ACADEMY Banque, the, 654. Aldershot, the Fatalities at, 826.

Animals, Wild, the Preservation of, in Africa, 762. Antarctic Expedition, the Sir G. Newnes, 471. Army : the Government and the Reform of the, 193 ; the Royal Reserves, 261-370; the Scotch Education Department and Commissions in the, 471. Australian Delegates, the Banquet to the, 619. Australian Federation : Prof. Dlcey's Suggestion, 655.

leitSDKN-POWaLL, Colonel, a Study of, 403. Baillie-Grohman, Mr. W. A., and a British Rifle League, 195. Balfour, Mr.: at Manchester, on the War, 38 : on the Preparations, 38 ; on the Pursuit of Science, 227 ; Mr. Chamberlain on, 691. Belleisle,' the Gunnery Experiments on the, 727 763- 795. Birthday Honours, the, 727. Bryce, Mr., on liberal Imperialism, 795. Buss (Miss Frances M.) Commemoration, the, at St. Pant's. 471.

CADET Corps, 795. Canterbury, the Archbishop of, on the Use of Incense, 125.

Census, the, and Religion, 263. Central London Railway, Opening of the, 911. Chamberlain, Mr.: on Australian Federation, 619 ; on Mr. Balfour, 691- on the Peace Party, 882. Charming, Mr., and the War, 3. Children's Country Holiday Fund, the, 827. Choate, Mr., on Libraries, 3. Church, the : the Archbishop of Canterbury on the Use of Incense, 125. Clarke, Sir E., Resigns his Seat et Plymouth, 227. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, the, 193. Clergy, Subscriptions In Aid of the, 298. Courtney, Mr. L.: on the War, 127 ; on the Hawksley Letters, 127 ; on the Native Question, 335.

DavONsarna, the Duke of, at the Women's Liberal Unionist Association, 862. Dicey, Prof., on Australian Appeals, 655.

Dooley, Mr. : on the War and Boer Tactics, 75 ; on the American Abroad, 227 ; on Admiral Dewey, 619 ; on the Boer Delegates in the States, 827.

Doyle, Dr. Conan, his Story of the Chess-man, 827. ELEctritIO Power, the House of Commons and, 299.

FOREIGN Intervention, the Risk of : what the Government should Do, 73-125. Fowler, Sir H., on the War, 539.

GOVERNMENT, the, and the Reform of the Army, 193. Grey, Sir E., on the War ; on the Settlment, 434. Grogan, Mr. E. S., the African Explorer, 618.

HARRISON, Mr. F., on the British Reverses, 2. Hicks-Beach, Sir M.: on the Dissolution Rumours, 539 ; at Bristol, 690 ; at the Mansion House, 911. Hospital for Sick Children, the, 227.

INDIAN and British Financial Relations, the Report J . 506.

Indon,ian Troops not to be Used In South Africa, 3. Influenza Epidemic, the Increase of the, 39.

Irish Nationalists' St. Patrick's Day Banquet, 403. Vitenrva the, Arrives in England, 910. Kipling, Mr. : on " The Sin of Witchcraft," 371 ; his Campaign Pictures, 619 ; his Stories of the War, 863. LANIITON, Capt.. Banquet to, at Portsmouth, 587. ▪ Lansdowne, Lord : Ought he to Resign ? 74. Lecky, Mr., on the Moral Aspects of the War, 371. Liberal Unionist Council, Annual Meeting of the, 434.

14-AoConmeo, Sir W, the Dinner to, 618.

Martineau, Dr., on Christianity and War, 127. Millionaires, 335. Sinner, Sir A., and Mr. Molten°, 159. Moffat, Rev. John, on the War, 126. Morley, Mr. : on Imperialism, 127 ; on the War, 127: on Mr. Rhodes, 127 ; at Oxford, 827.

NATIONAL Liberal Federation, Annual Meeting of the, 434. Naval Brigade, the Visit to London of the, 655. New Year's Honour List, the, 2.

PARSONS, the Hon. C., on Steam Turbines, 159.

Phillips, Rev. C.: on the War, 39 ; on the Treat- ment of Natives, 507.

Prince of Wales : and the Housing Question, 335 ; Attempted Assassination of the, 469-505.

(luxes, the : and the Shamrock, 333 ; her Visit to `..5 London, 333 ; to Ireland, 469-538-587.

RAID, the Colonial Office and the, 242.

Ralph, Mr. J.; on British Valour, 691 ; on Lord Roberts, 727.

Recruiting Returns, the, 539. Redmond, Mr. J., Elected Chairman of the Irish Party, 195. Religion and the Census, 263. Reservists as Settlers in South Africa, 539. Revenue Returns, the, 3. Rifle Clubs, 691. Roberts, Lord, Mr. Julian Ralph on, 727. Roeebery, Lord : on the War, 126 ; on the Great- ness of the Empire, 470.

Rowntree, Messrs., on the Scarborough Disturb- ances, 403.

ST. PATRICK'S Day, 401. Salisbury, Lord : at the Primrose League, 653 ; at the Academy Banquet, 654 ; on the War, 762 ; on Missionaries, 863.

Shields in War, 39.

Slough Railway Accident, the, 911. Spaniards (3,000) Offer to Join the British Army, 39. Submarine Boats, 539.

rrnsitsvAAL, M. Naville's Pamphlet on, 227. Treves, Mr., the Dinner to, 618.

Turbines, Steam, the Hon. C. Parsons on, 159.

WAR Office, the, and the Salisbury Plain Mai:emu- " vres, 795.

War : the Continental Press and the, 226-298-334- 763 : M. Delcasse on Intervention, 370.

White, Sir G., on the Services of the Naval Brigade in Ladysmith, 587.

VEOMANRY and Volunteer Corps, the Formation 1. of the, 3.


ARMY : the Scheme of the Government, 193-225-226- 370-401 ; M. Comely on the, 226 ; Debate on the Condition of the, 762.

Australian Commonwealth Bill, the, 690-727-863. Tem:soar, the, 333-334.

▪ Burdett-Coutta, Mr., on the Hospitals in South

Africa, 911.

(lams, Mr. Brodrick on the Position in, 826. `.-/ Companies Bill, the, 910. Contractors, Fraudulent, 402. Corporal Punishment Bill, the, 434. Cromwell Debate, the, 298-299.

DECEASED Wife's Sister (Colonies) Marriage Bill, the, 763. Directors, Ministers as, 655.

Dissolution Rumours, the, 158-402.

EARLY Closing Bill, the, 727.

IMPERIAL Representation, 470. I Indian Famine, the, 469. T ANSDOWNE, Lord, on the Yeomanry, 402.

▪ Licensing Laws, the Debate on the, 655. MILITIA Ballot, the, 261. NAVY Estimates, the, 299. PEACE Meetings, the Disturbances at, 370.

Quaeses Speech, the, 157.

RAID, the Proposed Fresh Inquiry into the, 261-262.

SECONDARY Education Bill, the, 910. Smith, Mr. S., on the Condition of the Stage, 690. Speeches, the Limitation of, 655.

Spion Sop Debates, the, 654.

UGANDA Railway, the, 818.

WYEOMANRY, the Training of the, 402. Youthful Offenders Bill, the, 370. AR Loan, the Applications for the, 402. War, the Debate in the Lords on the, 157 ; in the Commons, 158-194-195.

[ELECTIONS.] ISLE OF WIGHT.-Capt. Seely (U.), 727. MANCHESTER (S0UTII).-Mr. Peel (U.), 762. PORTSMOUTH.-Mr. Bramsdon (L.), 618. YORK.-Mr. G. D. Faber (U.), 194.



Ashanti, the Disturbances in, 506-587-690.762-826- 862-911.

Delagoa Bay Railway Arbitration, the, 433. Grogan, Mr. E. S., his Journey from the Cape to Cairo, 618.

Morocco, French Movements in, 506.

Wild Animals, the Preservation of, 762. AFRICA (SOUTH).

Pileher, Col., Captures the Boer Laager at Sunny side, 1.

Ladysmith : the Assault on, 37-73; Gen. Buller's Attempts, 73-125-157-193.225-261; the Relief of, 297- 335.

Suffolks, the Disaster to the, 37. Roberta, Lord, and Lord Kitchener Reach the Cape, 37.

American Senate, the, and the Detention of Ameri-

can Ships, 74. Boer Presidents, an Interview with the, 75. Spiess RepDisaster, the, 125-157-159 ; Publication of the Despatches, 538. McLachlan Incident, the, 159. Kimberley : the Relief of, 225 ; Mr. Rhodes on, 403 ; Lord Roberts and, 435.

Renshurg, Boers Defeated at, 225. Cronje, Gen. : the Pursuit of, 261 ; the Surrender of, 297.

Colonies : the Contingents from the, 39 ; and Inter- vention, 401.

Mafeking : the Siege of, 333-401433-537-585-653-689 910; the Relief of, 725. Boer Prisoners, the Disposal of the, 335. Bloemfontein, Capture of, 369. Boer Peace Terms, the, 369. Rose-Inns, Mr., on the Settlement, 433-469.

Sternberg, Count von, on Lord Roberts's Army, 433. C.I.V.'s and Regulars at the Front, 435. Convoy Disaster, the, 469-909. Boers, the, and Portugal, 505. Milner, Sir A., on the Settlement, 505. Reddersburg Disaster, the, 507. Cape Cabinet, Differences in the, 585. Casualties, the Number of, 587. Java and Batavia Press and the Boer Aspiration , 587.

Brandfort, Capture of, 617. Boer Agents, the : in Europe, 618 ; In America, 691- 726.

Kroonatad, Occupation of, 689. Kruger, President, the Piety of, 690. Johannesburg, Occupation of, 761-793. Pretoria, Occupation of, 761-793. Imperial Yeomanry, Capture of, 793. Guerilla Warfare, the Prospects of, 795. Communications Cut, 825.

Derbyshire Regiment, the Mishap to the, 825. Laing's Nek Taken, 825.

Sdireiner, Mr., the Resignation of, 825. Wepener, the Defence of, 827.

Sprigg, Sir G., Forms a New Cabinet, 863. War, the, 1-37-73-155-157-193-225-261-297-333-369-401- 433-469-505-537-585-617-653-689-725-761-793-825-861-909.


Commissions In the Army, Mr. Chamberlain's Offer of, 403.


Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the Marriage of, 910. Balkans, the Unrest in the, 689.

Convent Case (the Girl Araten), 726. Emperor, the : his Warning to the Czech Leaders, 74 ; Reported Illness of, 262 ; on the "Tag-rag and Bobtail," 263. Goluchowski, Count, on the Balkans, 726. New Ministry, the (Dr. von Kerber, Premier), 74. Oberammergau Passion Play, the, 726. Parliamentary Deadlock, the. 617. Princess Stephanie, the Marriage of, 435.


Boer Railway Case, the, 826.

Prince of Wales, the Attempted Assassination of the, 469-505.


Anti-Tax Riots, the, 619.

Prince Ferdinand and the Kingship, 335.


Canadian Soldiers at the Front, 507.

Laurier, Sir W.: on the War, 194; on Canadian Losses in South Africa, 263 ; on the Attitude of Canada, 371.

Ottawa, the Great Fire at, 587-618.


Anti-Foreign Disturbances, the, 726-761-793-828-861. 909.

Emperor, the, Abdication of the, 125. Wel-hal-wei, the Riot at, 653.


Cromer, Lord, the Annual Report of, 507.


Amnesty Bill, the, Carried, 794. Chambers, the Opening of the, 38. Clergy, the Government Bill against the, 227. Colonial Army, the Need for a, 434. Czar, the, his Gift to President Loubet, 538. Delcasse, M.: on Intervention in the Boer War, 370 ; on the Nationalists and Great Britain, 471. Deschanel, M., and Great Britain, 334. Exhibition, the Opening of the, 537. French Colonies, the Economic Condition of the, 76. Frenchmen and Omens, 654. Galliffet, Gen. de : on the Coast Defences, 470 ; on Coups d'Etat, 506 ; Resignation of, 762. Gautois, the Circular of the, to Prominent English. men on the Attitude of England, 403. "Gyp," the Alleged Abduction of, 689. Income-tax, the Government Proposals for an, 726. Jews, Rich, the Persecution of, by the Aristocrats 470.

Madagascar Debate, the, 298. 3feline, M., his Attack on the Government, 586, Morocco, French Movements In, 506. Municipal Elections, the, 654-689.

Naval and Colonial Defence Scheme, the, 159. mb%ptroltion, the Efforts of the, to Overturn the

Orleans, the Duke of, his Letter on the Queen, 298. Royalist Conspiracy, the, 2.

Socialists, the, and the MiniaWy, 910. . Thiers, M., his Foresight as to England and her Coloniee, 883. Zola, If.: on the Dreyfus Case, 74; and his Father's Memory, 125.


Balleetrem, Count, on the Emperor, 158. Billow, Count von, on the Development of German Shipping, 38. Commercial Farms, Large, the Special Taxation of, 226.

Crown Prince, the Coming of Age of the, 508-654.

Emperor, the : on the Navy, 2-38 ; his Message to

England, 585; on Protestantism, 826.

Holzenlohe, Prince, on Alsace-Lorraine, 262.

Holland, a Proposal for the Absorption of, 226. Jewish Ritual Murder, the Alleged, 862.

Lex Helnze, the, 726.

Meat Bill, the, 334-371-617.

Mommsen, Prof., on the War, 435.

Navy Bill, the, 228-334-434-586-617-828.


German Absorption Proposal, a, 226.


Budget, the, 403.

Famine, the, 159-263-334-586-891-794-911.


Marna, the Government and the, 269. Notarbarbolo Case, the, 75.

Obstruction in Parliament, the, 471-691. Vatican, the, and the Triple Alliance, 794. NEW ZEALAND.

Ranfurly, Lord, his Message to Mr. Chamberlain, 401. Seddon, Mr., on Intervention in the Boer War, 401.


Bribery Scandals in Odessa, She, 123.

Czar, the : his New Year Rescript, 74 ; hls Friendly Attitude towards England, 297; his Gift to President Loubet, 538; his Visit to Moscow, 538.586; his Atti- tude on the Chinese Situation, 861.


Court Politics, the Tragi-Comedy of, in,619.

THE MAURITIUS. Punjabi Regiments to be Sent to, 508.


Constantinople, the Uneasiness In, 654.


Americans and Gen. Cronje, 299.

China, the Powers and the "Open Door" in, 434. Cuba, Discontent in, 618.

Dewey, Admiral : and the Presidency, 470 ; Mr. Dooley on, 619 ; his Tribute to Englishmen, 619. Italian Strike in New York, the, 638.

Mahan, Capt. : on Americans and the War, 126 ; on the Monroe Doctrine, 371.

Massachusetts Republican Convention Supports Mr. McKinley, 587.

Monroe Doctrine, Mr. Elihu Root on the, 619. Panama Canal, the, Sold to a Company, 39. Philippines, the Operations In the, 226-618. Republisan Convention, the, Nominates Mr. McKinley for President and Governor Roosevelt for Vice-President, 862.

Boosswalt, Governor, on Now York State, m. St. Louis, the Tramway Strike ln, 794.

Senate, the : and the Detention of American Ships, 74; Proposed Alteration of Election to, 536.

Sultan, the Demand for Compensation of the, 537- 586.


Argyll, the Duke of (aged 77), 586.

Blackmore, Mr. R. D. (aged 75), 126.

Cowen, Mr. Joseph, 263.

Crane, Mr. Stephen (aged 80), 795.

Gladstone, Mrs. (aged 88), 826.

Grove, Sir George, 763.

Joinvllle, Prince de (aged 81), 863.

Joubert, Gen. (aged 66), 435.

Kingsley, Miss Mary (aged 35), 795.

Loch, Lord, 863.

Lockhart, Gen. Sir W., 403.

Martineau, Dr. James (aged 85), 75.

Mivart, Dr. St. G. (aged 72), 471.

Mouravieff, Count (aged 55), 862.

Paget, Sir J. (aged 86), 3.

Ruskin, Mr. (aged 80), 126.

Smith, " Chicago," 335.

Steevens. Mr. G. W. (aged 30), 126.

Stewart, Field-Marshal Sir D. (aged 78), 435.

Teck, the Duke of, 128.

Train, Mr. H. D. (aged 57), 263.