Sla g —Plebiscites and elections are the delicate instruments of democracy and
are not for the ham-fisted or inexpert. Before Cyprus can be entrusted with them she must show, as the Gold Coast has recently shown, by her respon- sible behaviour, that she is fitted to use them.
Mr. Kyprianos's claim that enosis must diminish Archbishop Makarios's power is too naive to deceive anyone. The achievement of this goal would at once elevate the Archbishop to the status of a Greek national hero.
Of course, sir, I read Patrick Leigh Fermor's admirable articles in the Spectator and dis- cussed them with him at length. His well-knit and close reasoning fails to convince me, being founded on the, to me, unwarrantable assump- tion that Greece is a stable political power. The past history of the Balkan peoples gives one little encouragement to share Mr. Leigh Fermor's optimism and I feel reluctantly com-
pelled to reject any policy based on his assumption.—Yours faithfully, STANLEY OF ALDERLEY Bosclas, Truro, Cornwall