`children's Comics'
SIR, — While° accepting the general principle that authors are fair game I feel that I must reply to the points of detail raised by Mr. Amis in his comments on my book......
Morals Without Religion Sir, — Commenting On My Bbc Talks
last January on Morals without Religion, Strix gives the impression that the reaction of press and public was overwhelmingly hostile. This was far from being the case. So far as......
The Mystery Of A Diary Sir,—two Points In. Admiral Sir
W. M. James's reasoned argument for the genuineness of the Casement diaries require comment. The first is his dismissal of Dr. Maloney's book, The Forged Casement Diaries, which......
Church Custom
SIR,—May I comment briefly on two points raised by John Betjeman in his article con- tained in your issue of December 30. First it would appear reasonably obvious to me that the......
The Russian Visit Sir,—mr. Ronalds Describes As...
of those who deplore the coming Russian visit. Our visitors will not be the freely elected representatives of the Russian people—such representatives do not exist— but the......