Country Life
BY IAN NIALL THERE used to be more time for conversation on a journey in the days of the pony and trap. Today one is much more likely to be offered a lift by the driver of an......
Sheltering Sheep
Shortly after two o'clock yesterday, noticed that the sheep were missing from the hill I can see from one of our windows. In the morning they had been evenly spread on the......
THE WORLD AND THE FLESH AND H. ALLEN SMITH. Edited by , H. Bergen Evans. (Arthur Barker, 16s.) AMERICAN pomposity, pretentiousness and like humbug differ somewhat from the......
Sorts Op Baits
Is there any more strenuous labour than that indulged in by sea anglers in search of bait? It is true that there are substitutes for the lugworm. One encounters resourceful......
Seaweed For Asparagus
If you have an asparagus bed and live near the coast, a dressing of seaweed at this time of year will prove beneficial when the crowns begin shooting. If seaweed is not to be......
13v PHILIDOR Nu. 31 Dr. J. J. O'Keeto and W. J. Smith Prizti 'Good Companions,' 19171 BLACK (12 men) 8 men I WHITE to play and mate in two moves: solution next week. Solution to......