6 JANUARY 1956, Page 18


SIR,—In the answers to the above the six Cam- bridge dons made a frightful 'bloomer' in calling the Sudras Untouchables (Question 13 d).

The Sudras are the cultivators and artisans and the Untouchables are far below them. There are even tribal castes below the Sudras who are not untouchable. In some parts of Southern India the Kshattriyas and Vaisyas have disappeared and the Sudras rank next to the Brahmans (not Brahmins; that's another mistake, though very common).

The Abbe Dubois, Monier Williams, N. Bhattacharya or any reliable encyclopedia will confirm what I have said.—Yours faithfully,


Perlis, Burpham, Arundel, Sussex