[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR:] SIR,—Your notice of "The Book of Sun-Dials," collected by Mrs. Alfred Catty, leads me to add three inscriptions over sun-dials which may possibly not be contained in her selection. At Kedleston Hall, Scarsdale, Derbyshire, I have read the two words, "We shall," printed above a sun-dial plate, evi- dently accompanying its lesson with a double play upon words,—" We shall sun-dial" (soon die all). Another inscrip- tion marks a sun-dial at the parish church, Kidderminster, with the challenge,—" None but a villain will deface me." A third inscription, at Himbleton, is as neat and pithy as any,— ‘` Via Vita."—I am, Sir, &c., St. John's, Wigan, June 28th. JOHN G. MAcLE0D.